The Truth About Social Media, Gear, and Agents in Photography

There are a lot of things you get told when starting out in photography. Some of it sounds like essential advice, but when you dig deeper into the industry, you find out that not all of it holds up.

Coming to you from Scott Choucino with Tin House Studio, this insightful video breaks down common misconceptions about what it takes to succeed. Choucino begins with the topic of social media. You’ve probably been told that social media is critical to your career. Choucino disagrees. While he acknowledges that it's free marketing and worth the minimal time investment, he also points out that it won't land you major campaigns. He’s met successful professionals with no social media presence and others with huge followings who struggle to get work. So, while it’s free and easy, don’t expect social media to be your ticket to success.

The second misconception Choucino addresses is the importance of location. It’s often said that you need to be in a major city like London, New York, or Paris to make it as a photographer. While he admits that being in these cities can make things easier, it’s not essential. He himself has managed to sign successful photographers who don’t live near these creative hubs. It’s harder, yes, but not impossible. If you’re young and free, moving to a major city might be a good idea, but you can still succeed from elsewhere with the right effort.

Choucino also talks about agents. While it’s often believed that having an agent is essential to being a top professional, he challenges that idea. He’s worked with an agent since 2016 and sees the value, but it’s not a requirement for success. Agents can handle tough negotiations and help with networking, but if you’re good at managing those things on your own, you could save money by doing it yourself. If you’re not in a major city, though, an agent might make your life easier by handling the marketing and negotiations that would otherwise require a lot of travel. That's just the start, so check out the video above for the full rundown from Choucino.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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