Fellow Fstoppers instructor Erik Valind and I, Monte Isom, have come up with a contest that offers the whole package to aspiring and working photographers. In my class I'll be teaching how to break into the advertising business and land those large budget jobs to make photography a career instead of just a hobby. Erik will be teaching a class about controlling light with speedlights, where you'll learn to maximize natural light as well as how to light on small to medium budget productions.
How to Enter: Simply make a tweet on Twitter or post on Facebook, and leave a comment on this Fstoppers Post below explaining why you would like to take my class using the hashtag #fstoppersworkshopscontest . One random winner will be selected on April 6th.
Prize 1: One person picked randomly receives a free class with both Monte Isom: Advertising Gigs, How to get them, How to shoot them and Erik Valind: From Natural Light to Small Flashes (a $2750 value, flight and hotel not included). If you have already have signed up for 2 classes you too can win a 1 hour 1 on 1 meeting that you can ask me any questions you want (I buy all the drinks, a priceless value!).
Prize 2: The next 3 people who signs up for either my class on 5/13 or Erik Valind's class on 5/16 will get a free spot in the other instructor's workshop too (a $1250 value).
Most likely if you are a photographer, taking pictures is your passion. So you have the first and most fun piece of the puzzle in place, but how do you make money doing this? The business of photography is something many photographers struggle with. Most photographers focus on mastering the craft and they have a portfolio of great images but run into obstacles when getting their work out there.

Adidas advertising campaign by Monte Isom
After being in the photo business 16 years as well as being my own agent, I have learned a lot and have much to share. I've been lucky enough to have been hired for many large budget advertising gigs over the last decade. In my class I’ll be teaching how to identify and get your images in front of people in hiring positions, and share with you what I have done to maintain these money making relationships. How you treat your relationship is the same way they assume you will treat a job. Establishing their trust of how you will handle a big job starts with being on time when you are meeting them, always doing what you say you are going to do, being considerate of their time, offering a solution when faced with a problem and always sending a thank you card…ALWAYS.

Samples of Monte's posters for HBO
I will be sharing many details of being on set by going to an environment that is exactly the situation I shoot in regularly for advertising gigs: a boxing gym. Real sweat. Real Boxers. We will shoot to spec the exact type of poster and billboard images I am asked produce for my clients HBO. Attendees will not be limited to my shooting style. Each attendee will have a chance to photograph a real boxer however they choose for their own portfolio. Being in real situations like this will give you the chance to demystify what happens on location during an advertising set and what is expected of you and your crew. Every detail of running a shoot including catering, music, conversations to build rapport and which to avoid, pacing your shooting, on set approvals of budget overages, social media posts from the crew, and managing circuit breakers to coiling of cables will be discussed. Literally nothing with be left out from this workshop.
After discussing how to make advertising money we will get to the fun stuff: IRS tax audits. Really :)
For more info about the classes please visit Fstoppers Workshops and sign up today. Seats are limited and our extremely discounted hotel block is quickly coming to an end (there are only about 10 reservations left).
Because learning and education is a vital part of our professional success in this industry. We should be students and teachers and seek mentors and make friends in this industry. Workshops and practice are what pull the curtain behind skills we've yet to master.
To learn about advertising and commercial photography from Monte would be a dream come true! His work is amazing!
I would love to learn new techniques and be part of this amazing' meeting in the Bahamas. especially after this long winter in Montréal, without taking so many pictures....
I Just want to learn from the best!
#fstoppersworkshopscontest, improving my photography skills is always good for myself and the business, especially one on one with the instructor. Learning other photography techniques that never get too old or tired. Thanks.
I feel my work is good enough. It's just been a struggle getting it in front of people who will pay for it. This would be an opportunity to spend time with and learn how to do just that from someone who, has experience, is willing to share their knowledge, and most importantly, is willing to help me fulfill my dream of making it as a pro photographer. I know if I got the chance with this opportunity, it would be a life changing experience.
i just finished my studies and its a dream for me to learn from a master. lets hope to win a dream! #fstoppersworkshopscontest
You're class has the potential to change someones life. I fell short of an assisting job with a 25yr + pro in Sydney becase I lacked formal training!? I have enough hunger to fly from Australia should I win :) even more hunger to succeed once I have been given a chance to see how you operate your business. Thanks #fstoppersworkshopcontest
Monte's tax class would totally help my business, it would make a swell birthday present. and oh yeh photo stuffs.
The gift of knowledge brings benefits to both the photographer, the industry and the client. I have literally just taken the plunge and established a studio to create awareness on the importance of quality imagery in our daily lives. Offering an opportunity to learn like this one is an incredible chance of a lifetime and I can't begin to imagine how it could change my life and open doors I so desperately need opened. This learning opportunity combined with my sincere passion to succeed would be amazing.
I recently bid on what would have been my 2nd campaign for a fashion client. They passed me up for a better photographer and it was a $70,000 budget campaign. It's hard to be too upset over money I didn't yet have, but that was a heartbreaking one to say the least. Somewhere along the line I got complacent. I've been doing well enough financially as a photographer to be comfortable and I stopped improving my abilities. Losing this job was the knock in the head that I needed to step up my game and continue learning in my industry.
I would benefit from a session with Monte because I have been wanting to gain the knowledge and know how of getting assignment work from Advertising agencies for many years. Just setting down and picking someone's brain like Monte for me would be like working directly with Gregory Heisler. For many years I could only see opportunites pass me by. I know a session with Monte would be a game changer for me.
As Gregory would say “Photography’s 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent moving furniture.” Monte can show me how to move the furniture and change my future.#fstoppersworkshopscontest
Because I constantly take time to learn, shoot, learn some more, and shoot until I'm satisfied with the end result. Workshops and apprenticeships have taught me so much, and the chance to go to the Bahamas and be a part of these workshops is one I would cherish.
I just want to learn, learn, learn!! I love hearing new ideas and techniques, can't believe how much there is learn.
I NEED to learn from photographers that have been in the business and know the ins and outs of advertising and technique. I know that Monte and Erik would help my portrait business take off. Thanks Fstoppers for bringing in qualified photographers to teach your classes! #fstoppersworkshopscontest
Did the winners get picked for this and I missed it?