One of the most exciting things about our industry is being able to meet other talented photographers and talk shop. Lee and I recently attended Gulf Photo Plus 2013 out in Dubai, and we were able to meet photographers from literally all over the world. GPP has decided to take their workshop to London, and they are bringing four of their most sought after instructors with them. On September 28th and 29th, Joe McNally, David Hobby, Gregory Heisler, and Zach Arias will check their bags for the United Kingdom....and one lucky reader of Fstoppers could head out there with them. Full details below.
The kind folks over at Gulf Photo Plus have teamed up with Fstoppers once again to offer one lucky reader a free weekend pass to the entire PopUP GPP London workshop. If you don't remember, a few months ago we sent a luck winner all the way to Dubai for a full 8 days of workshops. This time you will have to make it to London but if you are the winner, you can attend the entire 2 day event for free (a $449 value). This means you get to pick the workshops you want to hang out in or you can even stop by all of them and take in the whole experience.
For all the details about where everything is happening and the class schedule, head over to the Gulf Photo Plus London page below.
We try to make all our contests easy for everyone to enter. You can enter this contest both through Twitter or by leaving a comment directly below this post. Feel free to enter both ways to increase your chances of winning. - Simply leave a short one sentence comment below that explains why you should attend GPP in London. It's that simple
Twitter - Follow both @fstoppers and @gulfphotoplus on twitter and retweet the following message: "Follow @fstoppers and @gulfphotoplus for a chance to win a photography pass to Gulf Photo Plus London #gpplondon"
All tweets and comments must be posted by Tuesday night, Sept 10th, before Midnight Eastern Time. We will announce the winner on Wednesday the 11th so the winner has time to work out travel and accommodations.
This contest is open to everyone world wide and anyone of any age can enter. I have no doubt you will have a killer weekend experience if you win this contest. Even if you do not win, if you are in Europe or can afford to fly to London, it would be worth attending just to pick the minds of these four great photographers. Hearing Gregory Heisler's hilarious photography stories in Dubai will always be a memory I will never forget.
Because I have a pencil and a blank sheet of paper...
I just need a vacation from the studio.
Why do I wanna attend? Because I'm looking forward to convince you for a #gppmonaco ... @fstoppers @gulfphotoplus #gpplondon do you dare?
I would like to attend the workshop so I can learn techniques from incredible photographers to improve my photography and make my hobby a thriving business. =)
I need the inspiration in order to gain the courage to pursue a photography degree.
It's one of my photography dreams to meet those guys!
I would like to attend because it would be a great opportunity to hang with the greats.
Would love the excuse to go see the greats, but tell the wife Im taking her to London! Double WIN!
Heh, I'm 20. And I'm a photographer. At least, I try. And I'm stuck here, without any chance to do something more out of my passion than taking some portraits of the same people over and over again. Visited London once, and dreamed to go back since then. This would be a good excuse to go back, and also a boost to my confidence and my inspiration.
I saw the video that was published a few months back about the Road To Success where all of these legends talk about what it takes to hit success and I was totally stoked by it.Every time I feel low wondering would I be able to make it or not,I roll over to that video and those words do the magic. I've almost won nothing in life when it comes to photography but If I get to meet these legends then it would be something more than a dream come true, coz I thought it would too big of a dream to meet all of them and one place in this lifetime. Thumbs up to Fstoppers to do something so great. You guys ROCK!
Because I am a college student aspiring to be a photographer, and this would be the most amazing experience I could ever ask for.
What a great opportunity to meet and hang out with hundreds of photographers to learn and share. fstoppers in real life.
Never been to London or a Photo Expo!
Because photography is not just about your imagines is about the people you meet and learn along the way.
Out from the dark to see the masters of illumination
I'd love to hear photography stories, for a memory I would never forget.
I want to meet the stars :)
Amazing people in one place. I can't imagine this im there.
I would love to win the ticket because:
a) I want to be one of the individuals to see David Hobby's last ever photo seminar (especially having never seen him before) and
b) so I can get the opportunity to buy Zack a pint of Bombardier beer :-)
I live in London, I've been following each of these photographers ever sice I picked up my first DSLR, it would be beyond awesome to attend.
Learn from the best, to be the best.
I would love the chance to go to GPP because I am a student photographer and photojournalist at the University of Idaho, and I am looking for any chance to better my craft and passion.
I have far exceeded my families expectations as to how far I would go with photography but I have so much further to go and this will greatly help get me in the direction that I need to go.
I have a die hard love for travel and a hope to share the beauty of the world for those who cannot go to those places
Because I'm worth it
Absolutely gutted that I'm shooting in Rome that weekend!
Because I love what I do
Because my flat is only 5 minutes away an I never thought I had a Chance to be so close to my Idols.
I currently suffer from RSI and can't actively work on the usual tasks, so to be productive I have decided to use that time productively in other ways: networking, learning, reading. In light of that, attending this event would be another one of the more productive ways for using free time :)
It would be a giant chance to develop my skills and career. I already follow several of these photographers' blogs, and being able to learn from them in person will make their tutelage that much more effective.
Who won?
To learn from some of the best out there would be an epic experience!
bummer I missed the deadline I am always late to the party :(
Even if I could glean 1% of what they know and do would 100% make me a better photographer
I'd Love to go to see Zack, cause he's truly a master of photography, oh and the other three lunatics to I guess.
Gosh, it is the giveaway of the year!!! I would love to go!!! Good luck everyone:)
I finally need something good to happen, I work too hard and deserve this.
I cant believe I missed this amazing workshop. I have friends in London so I would only had to send on flying from Brazil to the UK. Now I never miss an article to always keep heads up for the chance of attending amazing workshops with the Fstoppers team!