Though the lens doesn't have the best performance if stopped down more than f/10, the 40mm pancake has grown to be one of my favorite lenses, especially in tandem with my 70D (which is also on sale today for $300 off). The B&H refurb of this lens is only $150 right now and they only have a few of them. If you've been curious about this lens, now is the time to try it.

Jaron Schneider is an Fstoppers Contributor and an internationally published writer and cinematographer from San Francisco, California. His clients include Maurice Lacroix, HD Supply, SmugMug, the USAF Thunderbirds and a host of industry professionals.
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The pancake lens is also on sale for $128+tax (refurb) through Canon direct:
I thought I had seen this cheaper online too, Amazon has it for 139 right now.
No matter where you pick it up, I highly recommend it!
Very true, I have heard great things! As great deal as it is and the reviews I have seen not sure with already having the 50 1.4 on the camera most the time if the extra 10mm would benefit me right now. I have thought about a Sigma 30 1.4 for some time. Think I saw one of those going for 300 the other day around town refurbished.
I will start a convo here about looking for a new lens. I thought about getting one of these but would like something a little wider both in focal length and apeture. I shoot with a crop sensor so finding something wider is always more helpful but without spending an arm and a leg for something lower than 2.8. Suggestions?
I agree with you Jaron. I love this lens! I use it a ton when I'm traveling. Love the form factor, it's a fun focal length to shoot with, and it's fast enough to shoot in tricky lighting situations. Also, it's just wide enough to be able to handhold video w/o too much shake.
I shot a video of my trip to italy and used this lens for about 75% of the shots. Here it is:
Refubished? lol. Still, seems like a good lens.
kkkk also my first thought... you beat me
Gah... It was early!
"Though the lens doesn’t have the best performance if stopped down more than f/10" - I find the lens sharper than the Canon 50mm f/1.4 when I compare both of them at f/2.8 - f/4 - f/8 and f/11 and unbelievably fast focused when combined with my 5D mkIII.. The downside is the amount of noise it produces when I focus..