Five Things Photography Helps You Appreciate in Life: A TED Talk

In a thought-provoking TED Talk, artist-photographer Felisa Tan takes us on a journey through her life and the profound lessons she has learned through photography. With over 15 years behind the camera, Tan’s insights offer a unique perspective on how photography can help us appreciate life’s beauty and complexity. Her poetic narrative, paired with captivating images, challenges our preconceptions about photography and invites us to explore universal truths often overlooked in our daily lives.

Tan begins by sharing her early struggles with understanding her place in the world, a feeling many of us can relate to. She discovered photography at the age of 14, which became more than just a hobby—it evolved into a way of life. Through the lens, she found joy in the ordinary and learned to see the extraordinary in everyday moments.

One of the key lessons Tan highlights is the importance of curiosity. Photography, she explains, encourages a spirit of inquiry and openness. This beginner’s mind, as it’s called in Zen Buddhism, allows us to see the world with fresh eyes and a sense of wonder. Tan’s careful image-making process is rooted in this slowed-down inner reality, which helps her capture the deeper essence of her subjects.

Honesty is another virtue Tan emphasizes. Being truthful about what sparks our interest requires courage, as it often reveals our inner hopes, fears, and desires. Tan’s work strives to conserve the soul of her subjects, reflecting her real-life experiences rather than just their physical appearance. This authenticity, she believes, allows her to communicate more effectively with her audience.

Tan also explores the themes of love and generosity. She views photography not as taking but as making—an act of giving attention, intelligence, and presence to create something new. This perspective shifts the focus from acquiring images to receiving them as gifts, fostering a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the world around us.

Lastly, Tan discusses the concept of impermanence. Photography, she says, teaches us to be present and appreciate each fleeting moment. This awareness of life’s transience helps us see beauty more fully and live more mindfully.

Tan’s TED Talk is a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of photography. By cultivating curiosity, honesty, love, generosity, and an awareness of impermanence, we can enrich our lives and deepen our understanding of the world. Through her lens, Felisa Tan invites us to slow down, look deeply, and find meaning in the simple act of seeing.

Kim Simpson's picture

Kim Simpson is a photographer based in the West of Scotland. Her photographic practice is an exploration of the human experience, with a particular emphasis on themes of identity and belonging.

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