Gritty Film Causes Controversy Over America's Youth

Back in October 2013, I went to the Philadelphia Film Festival and was lucky enough to catch the documentary film 12 O'Clock Boys, by Lofty Nathan. After the film debuted, Nathan answered some of the audience's questions. One of the most controversial questions asked was how race played a factor while shooting in a predominantly black neighborhood. Though this is only the trailer, questions of race and acceptance are constantly brought up as you watch riveting clips of young boys trying to prove themselves as men. While I don't want to get into a political debate over America's youth, this film is unforgettably gritty and one that you won't want to miss.

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What is so gritty about it?

saw this movie and its great!!

makes me sad

Gritty????!!! What is so gritty
about following around some out of control youths breaking the law. Should we
be "glorifying" these kids and inspiring others to be following their
path??!!! This is sad. Personally I live in a urban environment and I am tired
of seeing scenes like this play out in my neighborhood. It's ridiculous. It's
funny how these kids are all so "impoverished", yet they have these
nice dirt bikes and four wheelers. Weird isn't it... Especially you know, in
the city, where there is probably a big demand for "off-road"


This movie and trailer should be
used as evidence to prosecute every one of these idiots. While you are at it,
lock up the parents too!

This isn’t gritty, or ground
breaking, or any other superlative. It
is just sad. Sad that we as a society let things like this continue.

If you pause the video they're unloading bikes from a covered trailer hooked up to a late model pickup truck. My guess is that some of these kids aren't as "hood" as they act.

They use the van to move the bikes around the city and to keep them hidden. Then they have a huge "rally" through the neighborhoods. I'm not a fan!

Yes, I too have
personally seen how they use the vans/trailer to conceal their activities. It's
crime, period. Clearly I don't know those people and it is presumptuous of me
to imply they are using stolen property. But, as a person who lives this and
has seen it first hand, it is a familiar scene. Also, I'm not hating, I love
extreme riding and seek it out to shoot, in the proper venue. Riding down the
street in a mob and terrorizing people is not the way to showcase your talent.

Haters gonna hate...

If you own a motorcycle and have never done a wheelie I feel sorry for you.

Yeah, that's what I aspire to in my life.

I've lived in Baltimore all of my (African American) life (minus college), and I've watched the whole street biker culture grow from a few to hundreds. (Having trouble, nicing this up but) "Non-blacks" are accepted in "black" neighborhoods. Tell them what you are there for and "stay in your lane" you will be fine. Do I get a little bit of "side-eye" when I go to the "whiter" neighborhoods... sure I do, but I pull out my camera and go about my business.

Looks like an interesting flick. Sad to see youth cocooned in a small bubble that becomes their whole world. I am not trying to belittle anyone I am just suggesting what great things these kids could do if they saw the bigger picture. "F the police" this and that, I haven't forgot what it is to be young but they're making decisions now, that could and in many cases will haunt them for life.

I don't think is glorifying anything this is just showing how for some kids this is what they believe is the right thing. Like it or not its a real thing

looks to me that it's glorifying the children. It's so cool that a serial killer would want to do his stuff on video too... I would leave it to Hollywood's imagination....

They should be wearing helmets