Where is a Woman's Place in This Nation?

Where is a Woman's Place in This Nation?

Masses gathered around the country to march in support together for women's rights. While each had their own unique story, most of what was heard was from adults in response to the new administration. One photographer wanted to go back to the youth of our nation to see how young girls and boys felt about these current issues to get to the root of the innocent take on the rights at hand.

After nearly two decades in the commercial industry, Natalia Weedy turned to freelance photography in 2007. She started the Woman's Place project after the new administration to feel a unique perspective on the issues being talked about.

The story of what prompted me is one that resonates with many women, which is a repulsion to the denigration of women under the new administration. My journey to capture these moments was also not without challenges . After the divisive election, I was especially affected to see my own community become further fragmented rather than to seek unity.

Due to a necessary surgery that kept her out of commission to join in the D.C. march, Weedy decided to stay local and still walk with her own community in Raleigh. Her mother was one of the founding organizers for the Raleigh Woman's march. After some internal conflict, her mother had to withdrawal from the organization but this did not stop Weedy. Instead this inspired her more to keep on with the project for a creative outlet and positivity. She wrote that she kept in mind a quote from Reverend Barber that says, "Standing down is not an option."

Along with her producer and assistant, Weedy set out on that Saturday to focus on children whose votes are not considered. Active in marches from a young age with activist parents, she understood the camaraderie that is felt at these events. The march was not just an opportunity to capture portraits but also as she wrote to "get a glimpse into the minds of our youth, vicariously reconnecting with my past." ​​All of the young girls and boys that were photographed were unknown to Weedy prior to the shoot. She feels this has been her most inspiring project of the year for her.

Given how divided the nation currently is, there is comfort and wisdom in the innocent thoughts of the youth and though they're unable to vote, their voices should be included in the conversation

So you may ask why this was not posted on International Woman's Day? Simply put that it is not just a one day per year issue. Seeing these images of the thoughts of our children remind us how simple the answers can be.

All images courtesy of Natalia Weedy

Jennifer Tallerico's picture

JT is known throughout the International Boudoir Photography Industry and the region for her unique approach to Fine Art Photography. Her underwater work as JT Aqua is ethereal based and conceptual. She is an educator, writer and currently teaching workshops for underwater and boudoir.

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That's great! If you could take all this to the places throughout the world where gender discrimination is a problem, you'd be in business! :-)

The quote words, "repulsion to the denigration of women under the new administration." is a judgement that I find based on emotions and subjectivity, lacking substance. I so admire the quality of this project, children and words. From my perception folks, giving free rent In their heads to "causes" of dubious merit . Blame shifting or assigning guilt to a person, place or thing is not productive. We all know of vast injustice in American cuilture past and present. The children from my perception was not a wise method of "getting out the message" , Are we approaching the "protest cults" or the next big "thing" to be seen and do. How about a photo booth to "capture the moment" protest contest or "protest souvenirs" for sale. I have to add some satire to keep sane....

There are no current "vast injustices" in American culture. You are also much too kind about the use of children to spread feminist and anti-American propaganda. Only sick and evil people would use children in such a way.

Wonderful. I didn't see this as using young people to make a point. I rather take it as youth making its own point. And one very much worth being made.

I have three adult children and several nephews, nieces, etc I love them all and hang on everything they've ever said but their pronouncements on "adult" topics, while an interesting view of their thought process, in no way relates to real world issues and events. You give me 15 minutes with ANY child and they'll reflect MY worldview. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't spend that much time with children. ;-)

@John Aitken This is just another sick and evil case of exploiting children for political and social agendas. Brainwashed, abused children.

Ugh. Here we go again with the BS of the downtrodden Western woman. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you women are your worst enemy.

"The story of what prompted me is one that resonates with many women, which is a repulsion to the denigration of women under the new administration."

Where were all these women and the protests for the way women are treated in the Middle East before Trump came along??? Where were all these women and protests during Bill Clinton's presidency and his abuse and harassment of women, and covered up by his wife???

These recent women's rights protests are simply a cover to protest against a right wing president, that's all. And for many foreigners, especially, it is a roundabout way to express anti-Americansim against a very pro-America president.

What a bunch of crap. I thought this site was about photography.

What the hell is wrong with some of these guys! I thought the piece was great and the kids were well spoken. Yes kids usually represent their parents ideas but those kids still made some great and poignant points. These guys don't need to shit all over the kids and women's rights with their sad fragile insecurity.... well done Jen!

It sounds like you're separating the "great and poignant points" from the kids since they, "usually represent their parents ideas". I can't speak for anyone else but that was my only point regarding the kids. I really have no idea how anyone was attacking women's rights. Honestly, the article doesn't really say how that's happening.
In any case, there's a difference between individual misogynists, of which there are many, and systemic misogyny, which as far as I can see, doesn't exist in the U.S. Every article I've read, that suggests it, gives talking points with no real evidence or inaccurate statistics. Of course it was a problem in the past but now? I just don't see it.
I'm serious so please don't ask what's wrong with me.

Politics aside, they're really nice pictures of those kids' faces. Great to see so many smiling, happy faces beaming at me from my screen!

I agree. Politics aside, a big reason why I wanted to cover the photographer's story was because of those faces. I love seeing young girls and boys with those positive notes!

Hello there