How to Improve Your Engagement Portrait Session

Working with couples, you want to be able to capture the connection they have, especially when it's their engagement or wedding portrait session. Here are a few things you can do to help make their session memorable and deliver amazing photos.

In this video, photographer and filmmaker Eric Floberg shares a few things he does in preparation and during his engagement session to help him. To me, the first two tips that Floberg shares are the most important and are not limited to only engagement sessions. I kind of merge them into one: do your research.

This is such an important step that can help you have a successful shoot. From what I can gather from most people posting in photography groups on Facebook, it seems like this is one that is often skipped. Not only will you come across as more professional, but it will also help you take your photo shoots to the next level. Having those conversations before your session to connect more with your subjects and checking out the location can help so much. You will know what they are looking for and expect, which can help them be more relaxed during the session.

There are some other great tips in the video, but some may come down to your budget as well. Which tip was your favorite? Do you have any other tips to share? 

Alex Ventura's picture

Staff writer Alex Ventura is a professional photographer based out of the Houston area that specializes in automotive and glamour with the occasional adventures into other genres. He regularly covers automotive related events for Houston Streets & Spekture with some publications in the United States.

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