Stop Obsessing About These Things in Photography

Photographers can be a passionate bunch, and with all that fiery passion comes a lot of strong opinions and obsessive habits. Not all of those obsessions really benefit you, though, and some can actually hinder your progress. Here are a lot of things to stop obsessing about as a photographer. 

Coming to you from Craig Roberts with e6 Vlogs, this great video talks about things that photographers often obsess about that don't matter quite as much as we think they do. Roberts makes some excellent points: as the image-makers, we tend to have the most discerning and critical eyes, and while it's of course a good thing to hold yourself to a high standard and always strive to improve the quality of your work, obsessing about how your images look at 300 percent magnification is probably a bit counterproductive. No one is ever going to view them that closely, and you're likely wasting time that could be spent learning new techniques, editing other shots, and taking new photos. It's important to always make sure that you're devoting the right amount of your attention to the right things so other areas of your work don't suffer by consequence. Check out the video above for more of Roberts' thoughts. 

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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1 Comment

Great video. So true!