Critique the Community

Night Photography

Win one of two free Fstoppers' tutorials with your best image taken in the night.
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 19 Jun 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.05 - "Needs Work" 

10s exposure of the local theatre and the fountain in front of it.

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If you rate 2 or 1, please take the time and justify your rating by giving me a point of constructive criticism, even if it's only a single word :)

The symmetry is off in this image to my eye. I would've lined up the fountains more symmetrically with the building. Maybe copped a little foreground out or walked closer towards the building. The exposure is done well though. Just my $.02

Symmetry for me as well. Also, I would like the sign to be in better focus.

I rated 2 because the perspective is tilted. For me, it made the composition of the photo unbalanced. But I liked the scale of the people to the building. It shows how big it is. :)

Don't like the halo of the sign, and the fountain covers the main door, and it seems a little bit crooked?

Thanks for the constructiv critiques guys. Definitely see your points:)
I managed to fix the halo of the sign by redoing the picture in Lightroom and I'm going to upload the new version shortly!
The symmetry point isn't so easy to fix, though (especially not in post). When reshooting the location (which I'm planning to do) I'll see what's possible, but since the fountains are build the way they are (not at all symmetric with each other even), it's gonna be tough to find some symmetry there...
The tilt thing I tried to tackle with some perspective corrections but if anything, it made the perspective even more weird (I already did a little bit to achieve the picture above, but going any further will only result in some strange more distortion I think).