Critique the Community

Night Photography

Win one of two free Fstoppers' tutorials with your best image taken in the night.
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 19 Jun 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.25 - "Needs Work" 

Last lights. Ferrol, Galicia, Spain

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The photo needs work.
Some of the mistakes/errors/what needs to be corrected/changed:

1) The horizon is tilted, it's like the sea is spilling to the outside of the left side of the frame. Unless done on purpose to serve some purpose ( usually done in portraits and called "Dutch Tilt" ), in landscapes/cityscapes/nightscapes it needs to be horizontal and not tilted. Rotate the image in post processing.

2) The light at the very left edge of the frame is a distraction. It draw the attention away from your subject, it serves no purpose, only makes the image worse, clone it out with the healing brush in Photoshop.

3) Since your subject isn't the greatest out there, you should reduce its impact, bring the boats and sea closer to the bottom of the frame, and allow more starry sky to be captured.

4) The lights rendered as sunstars don't add to your image, taking for granted that your subject isn't the lights, they are the brightest and most catchy parts of the image, thus they become your subject, but that's not good, because they aren't interesting as a subject.

5) Do a double exposure and capture the stars in the sky, add them ( blend ) to the "landscape" photo and you'll have a much better image.

Thank you ! this is a real constructive critique!! I will work on this !

You are welcome Anthony.
My pleasure to help :)

Just in case, if you are really into photography as a job or part time job, or as a hardcore hobby, you should read ( multiple times! ) the book "The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for better digital photos" which will give you all the information there is about composing your photos, which in turn will make your photos a whole lot better, and you'll also start seeing everything better on location ;)

Thank you so much for your help !

You're welcome my friend :)