Critique the Community

Valentine's Day Love

Submit your best image with a love or romantic theme for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 21 Feb 19 04:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
2.9 - "Solid" 

My wife and I in the tulip fields. Somehow romantic I'd say, isn't it?

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Undeniably beautiful place, and a photo. However, this image could easily be titled "every Instagram photo ever". I really wish you tried something different, I refuse to believe that this is everything this location has to offer. Another minus - the sky is a bit boring. (cutting the image to 2/3 of the hight might make it more insteresting) Another plus - I really like the post processing you've done with the flowers, and the dress. Cheers

Great picture. I agree with the comment of the sky, but the rest its amazing.