So I found myself in a bit of a niche turning children’s portraits into superheroes and things of that nature. Obviously I didn’t create animated backgrounds or the dragon ball Z character. However, everything about the child subject is my original photography. All of the effects and color grading applied to her where done by my editing. Additionally the layout of this comic book page is original. And the scene that is being depicted is something that would fit in the universe that I have placed my subject into, but is not a copy of any specific scene or story.
The child loved this. And others have asked if I would be willing to do a similar thing for their children. Yes there was no money exchanged in the creation of this work, but if the client wished for me to insert a child into say I’m Batman style universe, or to place them in an Iron Man comic, would I be able to provide that service?
Also out of tips into a animated environment. I was happy with the results I achieved here but I am only just beginning to understand Photoshop. I’ve never seen things like this, so if anybody knows of any resources for inserting people into cartoony backgrounds, I would be interested. Thanks everyone!
Also, I designed the layout to be used as an IPad background. Thought it would be a cool use for it. Would you want a picture like this of your child? Would you pay for it?
I would love some feedback as to whether I successfully blended my subject into the image . Does she appear to be scaled correctly? Do the super saying affects give a better illusion that she is a part of the image? Did I match the lighting and shadows on her in a similar way to the animated character?
Even if you give it low rating, do you like the concept?
Cell shaded graphics are challenging to match. At a quick glance, I did not find the blending to be believable for several reasons:
1. Lighting
2. Subject still too realistic vs. Goku
3. Resolutions do not match
I don't have much graphics design knowledge, so maybe others here will be able to add value with regard to workflow suggestions. I also recommend posting this on more graphics oriented communities as you may receive some great tips from a different audience.
Out of curiosity, did you use the cutout filter in PS and edit based on that?
I just cut her out using the polygonal selection tool. I shot her jumping off of a chair to get her hair and dress to look like she was flying. I think if I were to do this in the future I would shoot her against a black background and then feather the selection out in order to give her a slightly refined black outline. I think that that would add to the effect that she was drawn into the environment.
Matching the resolution is something that I had not thought out, so that is a very good observation.
Could you elaborate on what you feel is off about the lighting? In the first frame I tried to make the shadows on her legs resemble the shadows on goku’s arms. In the final frame I tried to match the blue cast that was on Goku. I would love to know your specific observations on the lighting.
I really appreciate you taking the time to give me a critique! You’re awesome!
Not a fan of fun children’s portraiture? I know I’m not going to win any prizes with this, but people have asked me to recreate this for their children, so I thought I’d ask our community for feedback on improving this type of composite image. Why be hateful?
Thanks for the laugh
I’d love some tips on improving my compositing abilities. This is something people are asking me to reproduce for their children. Should I just turn my nose up at children’s portrait work because it is slightly out of the box?
Really what? I’m being asked to create images like this for parents. I would like input on how to improve compositing my subject into a cartoon background. Care to provide some feedback? I’d appreciate it.
It's okay if you like doing this, but I don't think that a photography contest is the right place to ask for advice.
Who else are you going to ask to take photos of your child and photoshop them into a comic?