Critique the Community

Hot Lights

Submit your best image taken with a constant light for your chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 02 May 19 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.48 - "Needs Work" 

This is different take on a flower shot. Taken in studio with hot light.

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Simple, yet very colorful & creative.

This flower is ok, I gave a 2 because it's not a very pleasing composition

huh. thanks ..... I guess.

Hey Lynne, so I've been trying to figure out how to change this. What would make it more pleasing for you?

Are you asking me or Lynne?

If me, I'm not sure. I'm just learning macro and it's very different from composing telephoto which is what I used to do 5 years ago, but can't anymore. Everyone says focusing in macro is hard, but I have that part down. It's composing, or even better staging, that I'm struggling to "see." Maybe that's it, stage it ;) maybe put other things behind or around it? or have it not totally flat. hang it so it's titled? idk but I'm trying ;)

Hopefully Lynne can help, she's given me some pointers on a FB group that helped my focusing. With composition, she told me to just look at lots of photos and write down what I like and don't like until I can "see." Others have told me that too. Outside of rule of thirds, and other "rules" it doesn't appear to be teachable as much as learnable.

Thanks for the feedback. I am going for a less "staged" composition here.

When I was new, I commented a lot in competitions. Now, other then positive "good job" thoughts, I save constructive input for the groups. As you can imagine, nobody really wants their competition shot to have problems pointed out. I learned this the hard way so I'm just passing this on. Private messages are appreciated on competition shots too.

Some people may want that kind of feedback here. They usually say that in their descriptions.


I'm sorry, I thought you were asking? I'm confused? Clearly I upset you. I just won't comment on your photos anymore, problem solved!