Critique the Community

Submit Your Best "Backlit" Photograph

Critique the Community "Backlit" Edition
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 11 Feb 20 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.54 - "Solid" 

It's a miracle that this photo even happened. It was the last of 5 days of a big pro snowboard contest at Mammoth Mountain, with 200+ riders and 50+ media persons. The whole day had been fog and drizzle. I was pretty tired by that point, as I had been running around 2 peaks for 5 days shooting this event. By 230pm I decide that the sun isn't coming out today and I sent it back to the hotel to get my flash gear (kept at the hotel so I didn't have to lug it around all day). I get to the hotel, sit down to eat a piece of pizza and contemplate just getting into the hot tub instead of heading back out. I mean, I had already gotten what I thought were my 'money shots' for the week. Still feeling pretty beat and unmotivated to do anything, I decided to send it back to the hill. Luckily I did, because this photo came of it and was a great way to end #superpark21.
With how thick the fog was, shooting a flash through it to front light the subject was proving difficult to get any sort of decent contrast. Figuring a backlit version might look cool, I put the flash uphill behind the rail and shot like that for a few hours. This was my favorite composition of that session, and ended up being my favorite photo of the week!

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