Critique the Community

Submit Your Best "Backlit" Photograph

Critique the Community "Backlit" Edition
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 11 Feb 20 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.69 - "Solid" 

As you know, to see drops of water in the picture you need to add some backlight.

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I have two ideas, just for fun. One would be a faster shutter, or a lower power on a strobe to capture the water droplets without blur.

The next would be the longest exposure you can take without blurring the model so that the water turns into streaks. Lots of different things you can try in that setup.

George Popescu How would a HUMAN WOMAN be able to open her eyes into a streaming shower? This image is clearly just about big tits.

When my face is in the stream? Yes, I close my eyes bc it actually is an instinctive reaction to something falling towards your face.

Hmmm, is there no enjoying great work when it's out there? Turning the highlights down a pinch to reduce the glare might be nice, but this is clearly a portfolio image. Beautiful subject is nice too. Since it's a backlit challenge, the light clearly has to be from behind her. If she opened her eyes she'd be squinting. Nope Dmytro, great backlit shot. Hats off to you!

boring composition, forehead is blown, nipple is the only thing in focus. no interesting shapes, does not tell a story, work on freezing the motion of the water. Hot boobs don't make the image.