This is a snapshot.. Taken last summer whilst socialising with models and other photographers at a networking event at a studio of a friend. Long story short, after a few drinks we couldn't resist messing about, drinks and creative minds = ..... Chiara has just recoverd from breast cancer, Rob specilises in retro looks; another photographer was taking a few portraits to try the lights, simple setup, one beauty dish 45 degrees, gray background and 2 vflats to contain spills, I grab Chiara and Rob and whisper in their ears my mood idea, Tango in the moonlight, intense defiant espressions, I coach the pose and took 5 shoots, end of the story, a snapshot with a difference and the difference being two highly experienced models. The fog effect is actually a composit of the sunset sky of that evening that I have inserted to remember the summer mood.
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Submit Your Best 'Emotional' Image
Submission Deadline: Fri, 07 Aug 20 21:30:00 +0000
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