Critique the Community


With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.8 - "Solid" 

No FEAR... Met him at a small gym. He was nervous training for his first fight, I thought he looked fierce but he was actually a very gentle person. I approached him and asked if we can organise a photoshoot at that gym.

Canon 5D MKIII, EF70-200 f2.8L IS II, 70mm, F4.0, 1/125sec, ISO100
Natural Light. Two large windows on each side with a wall in between behind the fighter, created the edgelight. There was a black felt pinboard in the premise which was placed behind him. Then a white reflector hand held infront and below to create an uplight.

LRC convert to B&W and adjust tone and increased clarity to max. Further Edit in PS to create a HighPass Layer selected Linear Light. I wanted a Gritty look without overdoing it. Looks sharper and grittier on my monitor, but when uploaded the image looks soft...dunno

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Very well done! Your ability to control the natural light this way is a testament to your skill level. The use of the reflector was a perfect decision here. The uplighting works well and the eyes would not have been as impactful without it. The side/edge lighting is spot on. It allows for the highlights and shadows to contour his muscles and provides great separation. Love the gritty detail, clarity, and aperture choice. Strong pose and camera angle. Excellent image! The only thing I think could have improved it, was if water/sweat was dripping and glistening. đź’Ş

Thank you, The water/sweat is a great suggestion. I was reading up about it afterwards, and apparently you need to have a mixture of water and glycerine.
Thanks for your input.