Critique the Community


With Peter Hurley
Join Fstoppers' Portrait Photography Competition
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 29 Nov 23 17:00:00 +0000

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    View Results

Community Avg
2.19 - "Needs Work" 

This photo is one of many taken to highlight the many styles of a local hair stylist. Each model's makeup and outfit were matched to the background. Clamshell lighting with 3 foot octobox overhead and silver reflector. Hair light placed camera left. Light editing in PS and LR.

Canon EOS RP
50mm at f6 3

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If I may, even before reading the description, I would say that there is quite a lot of this image that is very well done. The red on red, the lighting, the hair. It's just that arm: that arm sticking out towards the viewer takes all the attention. I think I see the what the pose was going for, but in this context and with the model's positioning the pose doesn't work the same way. I think the slightly turned side shot assured a great view of the back of the hair AND what happens up front. Getting that elbow in a more neutral position, and maybe having her not look at the camera, would better draw the focus to the hair.

Overall well executed though. Those 1-2 nit picks would kick this up a lot in my opinion.

Hi Bryan. I appreciate the thoughtful critique. I'm definitely still working to improve and I'm sure these pointers will be helpful. Thanks for taking the time to give your thoughts on so many other photos.

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