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  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 27 Dec 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.47 - "Needs Work" 

Honey Bee among the last flowers of the summer at the Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract. Went out hoping to see some bald eagles or kingfishers, but the birds weren't around. On the way back to the car we stopped at the pollinator garden and I decided to hang out with the bees for a bit. The layers and layers of tiny blossoms gave me the idea to try a dreamy look, so I used a Helios 44-2 and set up in front of a bunch of flowers where the bees kept flying walking back and forth so I could prefocus and wait for a bee to come in frame.

Sony A7IV | Helios 44-2 with K&F adapter | f2.5 | 1/1600 | ISO400
Edited in Topaz to improve the sharpness a bit. Then Lightroom with a bit of a crop, some tonal adjustments, and some color grading to bring up the purples and soften the greens.

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