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Join Our Wildlife Photography Contest NOW
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 27 Dec 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.52 - "Solid" 

This photo was taken in Xochimilco Park in Mexico City. I had seen how this eagle was looking to catch fish so I started to follow the eagle. All of a sudden the eagle started to come right at me with the eyes looking down to the prey. At one point I guess it notice that I was there and turn the eyes up and i was able to catch it with the wings completely horizontal and looking pretty much at me. It was done with a Nikon Z9 and a 800mm lens on December 2nd.

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Capture is great.
I would work a bit on contrast and colors.

Thank you.

I like it...these type of photos happen so fast. I agree with Lukasz, the background could use a minor adjustment...but not much.

Thank you