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  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 27 Dec 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.87 - "Solid" 

In the heart of Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, an extraordinary encounter unfolded. It was here, amidst the dense, lush undergrowth of one of Africa's oldest rainforests, that I had the privilege of coming face-to-face with one of its most enigmatic inhabitants – a female mountain gorilla.

Armed with my OM-1 and a Zuiko 40-150mm f2.8 pro lens, I traversed the challenging terrain of Bwindi, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its biodiversity and as a sanctuary for these magnificent creatures. The journey was arduous but rewarding, as each step brought me closer to an encounter of a lifetime.

I was watching a small family of gorillas already for some when this female gorilla sat down a mere few meters away, her gaze meeting mine with an intensity that was almost human in its depth and curiosity.

I steadied my camera, conscious of the need to be respectful and unobtrusive. The gorilla seemed undisturbed by my presence, her focus unwavering as she looked directly into my lens. In her eyes, there was a story of the wild, a narrative of survival and majesty in one of the planet's most untouched regions.

I chose to shoot at 150mm (300mm fullframe equivalent), ensuring I maintained a safe and respectful distance. The leaves framed her face beautifully accentuating the details in her fur and the gentle wisdom in her eyes. The shutter clicked, capturing not just an image, but a moment of profound connection between human and one of our nearest relatives.

This portrait of the female mountain gorilla, looking directly into my camera, is not just a testament to the beauty and grace of these creatures, but also a reminder of the delicate balance that exists in nature, and our role in preserving it.

Shot with:
OM-1 with Zuiko 40-150mm f2.8 pro
1/800 sec, f2.8, ISO 5000 at 150mm (300mm fullframe equivalent)

Capture One 23: Basic adjustments of contrast, saturation etc.. & cropping
Affintity Photo 2: Some minor clean ups with the repair brush

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