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  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 27 Dec 23 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.31 - "Needs Work" 

In the monochromatic palette of Tadoba Tiger Reserve's summer, a powerful scene unfolds beneath the relentless sun. The black and white photograph captures the essence of a tiger cub emerging from the woods, its fur aglow with the brilliance of the summer sun. The play of light and shadow accentuates the sleek contours of the cub's majestic form.

Against the timeless backdrop, the young tiger approaches the waterfront with a purpose evident in every sinew of its being. The sun's rays dance on its fur, casting a luminous sheen that emphasizes the vitality of this burgeoning predator. The cub's gaze, intense and focused, reflects the primal instincts awakening within—a thirst for water, but also a metaphorical thirst for survival and dominance.

As the tiger cub pauses at the water's edge, the stillness of the moment speaks volumes. The ripples in the water capture the heartbeat of the wild, echoing the rhythmic pulse of nature. In the enigmatic gaze of the cub, there lies a silent proclamation—a declaration that a new predator is growing, embodying the timeless cycle of life and the untamed spirit of Tadoba's summer wilderness.

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