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Moody Lighting

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I took this photo on the beach in Duck, North Carolina in the Outer Banks. Storms were forecasted for pretty much the entire day except in the morning. Because of this I figured there were some good chances for some dramatic skies at sunrise.

I was not disappointed. For just a few moments there were some very dramatic pink/red clouds that moved through very quickly. I rushed to assemble my ND kit and get a 10 stop filter on. I managed to get everything hooked up in time to fire off one 2 minute exposure. Then I moved close to the water and shot a bunch of 1/3 to 1/4 of a second exposures to get different textures in the water to use as my foreground.

To create this photo I used my favorite shorter exposure water texture photo and basically replaced the sky with the 2 minute long exposure sky photo. Other than that I just did basic adjustments in lightroom and adobe camera raw and some dodge and burning to help bring out the textures in the water.

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