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Moody Lighting

Submit Your Best Moody Images

I took this image with Sony A6000+ sigma30f1.4.

It was taken during a small hike around the mid point cable car trip from base to the top deck of mount blanc (chamonix). I was walking up to a small lake, which i saw from the top deck... since the weather up at 2000 mtrs can be unpredictable, clouds started to move in.

It was only for these 3 seconds when i saw a peak of those lovely french alps peeking through the cloud. I quickly took my camera out and took this shot. Right after which cloud covered up this peak.

On zooming in to this pic on my camera screen, i was not very satisfied as i saw foreground was not sharp enough. But coming back, and looking at this pic on PC, i had a feeling that out of focus foreground, gave it a sense of depth and added to whole mood of the pic.

Also to mention, i did wait for another 2 hours for similar scene to build up again, to take another try at same shot... but Nature as we all know... have its own glowry which is depicted in glimpse.

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