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Moody Lighting

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Sony A7R3 + Sony 24-105 F4.

New year's eve, Taipei. First time in Taipei for new year's evening. All Excited..... Only to experience... huge crowd (almost 1 KM of periphery around taipei 101 was blocked with people). And to add to the whole drama.. it was raining...

As soon as clock sturuck 0000hrs fireworks went off for almost 10-15 mins.... I could see everyone taking a snap... in rain... didn't find it worthy enough of anything special.... as soon as firework stopped.... there was a whole different mood... while everyone else walked back to empty the space, I waited to admire and experience this magical moment (along with one more photographer).

Smoke of firework mixed with continious drizzel was setting my stage up and this time model was none other than famous "Taipei 101". As smoke and drizzle mix moved, it also picked up colors of bright neon lights and normal lights around.

Technical this was relatively easy shot to take long exposure but waiting for the right moment when the peak of the tower gives you a magical peek-a-boo through the mysterious cloud and taking the shot was a whole different challenge.

Post processing included editing exclusively on lightroom and playing with colors, since "Cyberpunk" theme was quite in during those days..I gave it a similar look. Looking back at it now... i dont think i could have done better with this pic.

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