Critique the Community

Moody Lighting

Submit Your Best Moody Images
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 30 Jul 24 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.75 - "Solid" 

It was a moody raining day all day and I was just looking at possible places near by using google map satellite view and came upon this jetty 5 min down the road. When researching the tide found that high tide was in two hours. So off I went.

I call this photo "Farther Daughter Moody Time"... As they passed me they were arguing hence the back to back being in bad mood with each other..

This is two photos merged into one. First photo was taken 1/8 and the long exposure 6 min... Both taken with Nikon D850 Nikon Lens 16-35 F4 @ 16 F18 / ISO 64. Tried a 2 min long exposure first that didn't quite work because of the farther and daughter still could be seen as ghost outlines.

With the long exposure blended the sky and sea together to create a foggy horizon. Then overlayed the 1/8 exposure and masked in the farther and daughter.

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