This Is The First Fake MB-D12 Battery Grip For The D800

Last month we published a post on Fstoppers informing you guys that the first batch of knockoff MB-D12 battery grips for the Nikon D800 were available on eBay. It took over a month for the grip to show up from Hong Kong but yesterday I finally got it. If you have been considering buying one of these you will want to watch our full review.

When I purchased this grip off of eBay last month it was the only knockoff MB-D12 available. The brand name of this thing is the "Pixel Vertax D12". The confusing thing is that now there seem to be multiple knockoff manufactures on eBay but I've learned that in many cases it will be the exact same product with simply a different name on it. I would love to buy them all to find the absolute best but I don't have the time to do that.

From the little research I have done the 2 main knock off brands that appear to be different are "Pixel" and "MeiKe". Both of these grips are available on Amazon as well now and they are getting positive reviews.

The Pixel version (the one I reviewed) is for sale for $102 and the Meike version is for sale for just $60.

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Lee Morris is a professional photographer based in Charleston SC, and is the co-owner of

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