The Biggest Mistake Photographers Make When Choosing Gear

Photographers often obsess over gear, debating the best cameras, lenses, and accessories. It’s easy to get caught up in the endless choices, but overcomplicating things can get in the way of actually taking pictures. The right gear isn’t about what’s newest or most expensive—it’s about what works for you in the simplest way possible.

Coming to you from Joshua Peg, this insightful video breaks down a common mistake photographers make when selecting gear. Peg sets out to photograph the Black Mountains of Wales, a rugged and under-photographed landscape. Battling intense wind from an incoming storm, he quickly realizes he’s made a critical mistake: he brought the wrong lens. Despite the striking scenery, he struggles to capture compelling shots because his chosen focal length doesn’t match the environment. This highlights an important lesson—gear selection isn’t just about quality, but also about practicality. A simple choice can sometimes be the wrong one if it doesn’t suit the situation.

Peg discusses a question he often gets: should you upgrade your camera? One viewer specifically asked this. Instead of giving a direct answer, Peg emphasizes a different approach—choosing the simplest option. Many photographers, beginners and veterans alike, fall into the trap of overthinking gear. They chase new models and complicated features, but in doing so, they create unnecessary obstacles. Photography isn’t about owning the best equipment; it’s about putting yourself in the right place with the right tools to capture an image.

His mistake in the field reinforces this idea. He brought a 50mm f/1.8 lens, a solid and widely loved choice, but not ideal for the barren landscape he was photographing. The lack of defined subjects made a wider focal length necessary, and he quickly realized he should have packed his 24mm f/2.8 instead. The problem wasn’t the lens itself but how it fit the environment. This underscores a key takeaway: the simplest choice should still match the specific needs of your shoot. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Peg.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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First let me say great image and under the conditions where European photographers face storm clouds and bad weather most every day/night but still get out there no matter! His selection of a 50mm is not really bad for it is the human eyes sight vision and a 24mm being yes a wide angle will get more in a frame but a wide or even ultra wide is most used for we scan the scene and want it all. After seeing the f/ 6.3 it was smart to use a higher F/#.
Gear collecting every photographer is guilty of! If for a second thought always look at the new, say camera, has like the rear screen and moves so doing a portrait view will it twist all about for easy viewing - today most all cameras have. Another thing is the two SD card slots - it is what pros want to put images on a backup but to a hobbyist just something extra to fill and mess with. The one thing today is IBIS that all cameras have but if you are a astro shooter you will turn it off. Also today ISO Invariant being not to much known the camera has or used in post also a good thing for brightening up sunsets/rises even for astro brightening with lower ISO's. Also the higher mega pixel cameras are always a pull but not really needed for it has been shown even a 12MP will fill a poster size print, mostly today it is about the media sharing with lower size images so again reduce the heart rate.
Options or abilities are what most will look for, I went A7SM1 in 2014 for it would do 5 at +/- 3EV because i was using the Promote Control to do unlimited brackets with my Canon T2i limited by just 3 at +/- 2EV (it was the HDR days) and if I just waited a few months I could have gotten the A7SM2 with IBIS but also cost more, The bottom line I discovered Milky Way's and that did not need IBIS and as far as IBIS every telephoto lens has IS/OSS that makes captures easier hand held without.
AF is also a big thing over the years but then eye AF then subject AF like for pros not having to focus by hand just capture and that brings how many frames a second the OH I need that but only for birding or sports not many really do but when you do use 10 or 15 or 20 FPS in post you will be scanning images for some time looking for that one great image but do you delete all nope you just save on the HD takes up a lot of space then.
Upgrades pull at you so much but think first it will be at a lower price later or look for sales on the used market that pros used and sold.
Bottom line is know your genre and what is really needed. Example back many years ago I wanted to do Panoramas even modified my tripod way to much and a lot of things not available was a stepper, a devise at the base that you select degrees for images taken over each, I was going on a trip to Arizona and I got the A7RM2 where there was a panorama function on the dial so a function on the camera and the 42MP just an extra plus.
Finally it is Software that makes the final image no matter the MP's so using SW that will be around and at a reasonable price for updates is also a chose for there are many and they also have functions.
1. A7SM1 2015 but a bracketed 3 at +/- 1 HDR Software got rid of hot and dead pixels
2, Bracketed 3 at +/- 2EV handheld + FE 12-24mm f/4 G with A7RM2 I forgot my Plate for tripod and on a test did and was wider than others as well a low light capture where others were doing long exposures.
3. using Panorama function on A7RM2 at Grand Canyon, you always want more in your image.
4. just driving by stopping and using my FE 24-240mm in APS-C mode getting 36-360 at 360mm a handy lens to have on your daily carry camera for you never know what!!!

Alex, this article is a great reminder that the best gear is the one that fits the creative vision and the environment, not necessarily the latest or most expensive option. Joshua Peg’s experience highlights an important lesson—choosing gear is not just about technical specs but about understanding how it serves the moment.

As a fashion and editorial photographer, I have learned that simplicity in gear selection often leads to more fluid and creative shoots. While high-resolution cameras and fast lenses are great, they mean little if they do not align with the needs of a given shoot. Whether working in a controlled studio or a dynamic outdoor setting, choosing the right focal length and lighting setup can make all the difference.

With so many advancements in camera technology, how do you think photographers can strike the right balance between staying updated with new gear and maintaining a practical, minimalist approach?

Paul Tocatlian
Kisau Photography