Canon has announced the impending arrival of Firmware v2.0.X for the Canon 7D, which has a whole host of upgrades that is bound to make any 7D owner jump with glee. Included is an increase to the maximum burst rate, GPS compatibility, increase in maximum limit for auto ISO, manual audio level adjustments and in-camera RAW processing among the eleven upgrades to the popular camera.
"Get ready to expand the possibilities of photography and film making," Canon states in their promotional release video found here.
"The next evolution of the EOS 7D has arrived! Firmware Version 2.0.X brings the EOS 7D up to speed with the best technologies Canon has to offer, delivering performance and features befitting the flagship APS-C EOS DSLR. Firmware Version 2.0.X keeps the EOS 7D on the cutting edge of technological innovation by adding user-requested innovations developed for Canon’s high-end EOS cameras: A higher maximum burst rate for continuous shooting, definable maximum limit for ISO Auto, compatibility with the Canon GPS Receiver GP-E2, and manual audio level adjustment during video shooting and during review. Additional enhanced features include faster scrolling of magnified images, quick control during playback, in-camera RAW image processing, JPEG image resizing and ratings, plus customization of file names and time zone settings. A significant upgrade, Firmware Version 2.0.X raises the performance on one of the most popular Canon EOS DSLRs ever created. Prepare to experience the power of the EOS 7D on a whole new level."
To make it easy to get a grasp on what to expect, take a look at the updates compared to the current version of firmware:

From the official press release:
"Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, announced a firmware update for the EOS 7D Digital SLR camera that adds new functionality to improve its performance for serious photographers and semi-professional users. The update, free to all EOS 7D owners, gives the camera more advanced shooting options, including an increase in the maximum number of burst images taken in the RAW file format (from 15i frames to 25ii frames) as well as the ability to process RAW image files directly in the camera and the option to set a maximum ISO setting in ISO Auto mode. The firmware also adds the ability to adjust up to 64 audio levels manually prior to recording video, supports custom file naming, and allows for compatibility with Canon's newly introduced, optional GPS Receiver GP-E2.
"By introducing this firmware we want our customers to know that we are always looking to enhance the user experience for all of our current products in the marketplace," said Yuichi Ishizuka, executive vice president and general manager, Imaging Technologies & Communications Group, Canon U.S.A. "The latest firmware for the EOS 7D Digital SLR enhances the capabilities of the camera and brings new possibilities to its users, making it a more valuable tool for their craft."
Enhancing the Imaging and Audio Capabilities
For budding action photographers who use the EOS 7D as their camera of choice, being able to capture the perfect shot comes down to a matter of milliseconds. The EOS 7D is capable of taking photos at a high-speed burst rate of up to 8 frames per second (fps). With the firmware installed the camera captures up to 25 consecutive frames when shooting in RAW and up to 17iii consecutive frames when taking RAW+JPEG images.
Once the firmware is installed the EOS 7D will also be able to process RAW images directly in the camera, allowing dynamic adjustment of exposure compensation, white balance, picture style, noise reduction at high ISO speeds, distortion correction, and other processing parameters. For mobile photographers, this ability to adjust RAW images quickly and re-save them as JPEG files can be a huge time-saver as opposed to downloading files to a computer and making adjustments later. The camera will also be able to re-size JPEG image files in-camera. These features will be accessible through the Quick Control functions which will be accessible while the camera is in playback mode. When viewing images on the camera, image files can also be given a star ranking for easy sorting during post processing. The firmware will also enable faster scrolling of images when displayed in a magnified view on the camera's LCD screen.
The new firmware enables photographers to have more control over the maximum ISO speed when the camera is in ISO Auto mode by setting a maximum ISO range. In certain low-light scenarios, such as during a sunset, where light changes each minute, photographers can lose the brilliance and color if the ISO setting is too high. Now, photographers can ensure their ISO setting will remain within specific parameters allowing them to concentrate on the moment, knowing that they will achieve the desired photographic results. The firmware also adjusts the available ISO Auto range, previously 100-3200 and now ISO 100-6400.
In addition to these enhancements, the new EOS 7D firmware enables manual adjustment of audio levels prior to recording video, similar to the functionality found on the EOS 5D Mark II. Videographers can now manually adjust up to 64 audio levels on the EOS 7D so that they can refine the captured audio to match their particular needs.
Similar to the new EOS 5D Mark III, a new submenu provided with the EOS 7D firmware update enables photographers to modify the first four characters of file names, in the camera. This valuable feature makes it easier to use the EOS 7D camera in multi-camera shooting situations by providing a way to identify the files coming from a particular camera without opening each image individually.
Canon GPS Compatibility
The new firmware adds full compatibility for the EOS 7D with Canon's GPS Receiver GP-E2. This GPS Receiver can be mounted to the camera's accessory shoe or clipped to a belt and tethered via a USB cable. The GP-E2 was created to serve outdoor photographers; it records shooting locations including latitude, longitude and altitude, as well as camera direction. The camera's internal clock can now synced through the GPS unit using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), the primary standard by which time is regulated, for accurate time recording or syncing clocks on multiple cameras. A GPS Logging function can display the photographer's route on a map, using supplied software.
The new firmware upgrade for the EOS 7D Digital SLR camera together with installation instructions will be available in early August at no charge through Canon U.S.A.'s website. For more information please visit the following link to view an online video about the new EOS 7D firmware features,"
Hooray free updates! So what do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
[Via Canon USA]
I wish more companies would do this. I hope this is miraculously the start of a wonderful new trend.
So many of us 7D users, especially those who shoot video, have been waiting for an update that would allow manual audio adjustments. That, along with the burst rate increase, and the other options...this is a godsend. Thank you Canon!
it's not a godsend, its a marketing scheme. they could have done with the first release, just ways on playing on our emotions. it's all about Marketing and increasing profits. well i gladly appreciate.
Haters gonna hate
I have a 7D and I'm not exactly wetting myself over this update, but I know there are people who will find it useful.
However, why the negativity? Marketing and increasing profits? If you go by that, then surely Canon would be better off not releasing this update and "encouraging" people buy the 7DMK2 if/when it comes out rather than letting users get more use out of their current camera...
Wish they had a hardware upgrade for headphones..... Great improvements though!
I'm wondering if something like this will happen for 60D also. I hope so!! Thoughts??
Nikon please enable manual settings for video recording for the D5100 -_-
please we users need it!!
I'm really glad to see this, but I had been hoping a firmware update might include video autofocusing to make use of the new pancake lens's capabilities
I think they're only putting that on the new Digic 5 processor models. Bummer.
So what is the auto ISO range? your graphic says 400 - 6400, but the text in the press release says 100 - 6400?
Good question. Both are from their official site, so one of them is a boo boo. I'm guessing the graphic is the one that is incorrect. Press releases tend to get a lot more scrutiny before they go out.
English is not my mother tongue, but this one is very easy to understand, both is true. I mean you can set the maximum (highest) limit in auto ISO between 400-6400 what makes you can adjusts the ISO Auto range between 100-6400. You can select anything from 100-400 up to 100-6400.
I'm hoping for better HDR capabilities, say being able to bracket 5 or more shots instead of just 3.
Looking forward to it.
I don't know guys I'm NOT so happy about this update. It's really not that great of an update. I mean audio meters big whoop! Anyone who does video with the 7D has already sub-come-to buying a Audio recorder like the H4N two years ago, so that's pretty much worthless. GPS compatible, Maybe 3% of 7D users will actually use this feature. It also seems like Canon has taken a very "general I don't know what I'm doing consumer route" with this bottom line pro camera, adding features like on camera editing, filters etc.. everything that should be done in post. Any professional photographer will tell you to avoid using on board camera editors or filters and to do it in a post post production editor like Light Room, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro Premiere Pro etc....
The only good thing I see is the IOS range as well as the FPS speed of the logic board 4... This just shows that the logic 4 chip was really under estimated.
Other then that I'll continue to shoot my 7D "without" the 2.0 update until its 100% stable firmware release but I highly doubt I'll use any of the new features once I update my camera...
Feelings "let down"
i bought an h4n a few years back and to be honest i hardly ever use it, i shoot with a 7d and an xha1s cutting between the two. i record the sound on the bigger canon since it has great duel xlrs sound.
point is for a wedding im not going to have an extra external recording going as well, so this for me is a great update to use my rode vid mic to get a good sound from 2nd camera and not have to deal with that damn auto gain! Dual audio recording is a pain and if the sound is usable ill be a happy man.
The other improvements like faster zooming / focus check, more RAW frames in high speed and auto iso limits, to me are very needed and usable updates. the other stuff is really just spin.
oh and file name customization could really be a great way to find future shots and projects
H4N is not needed and is way too expensive as it is.
I am very pleased and excited to see this update coming!! I am a DSLR video and still's guy and I will be counting down the days until August! Great job Canon!
Occasionally Nikon d7000 had almost everything listed above out of the box =)
"Occasionally Nikon d7000 had almost everything listed above out of the box =)"
Напишу тебе по русски, ты безусловно в теме ))) Из коробки D7000 имеет прекрасный резиновый грип, который через пару месяцев интенсивной эксплуатации отваливается! А по поводу остального: где там 25 кадров в RAW серии или контроль уровня аудио сигнала, я могу много перечислять, но смысла в этом нет, просто не стоит вот писать такого рода глупых сообщений, у каждого есть какието фитчи, плюсы и минусы, а ты сказанул как в лужу плюнул.
I said "almost" for people like you
It looks like firmware beta testing to me ;)
Nice, but in-camera HDR (and the aforementioned 5 shot bracketing) would have been really nice. The manual audio level will be nice for quick little recordings of kids' birthdays, etc., but for anyone serious about video/audio, an external recorder (I have an H4N) is the only way to go. Customization of file names is really nice though.
However, the biggest issue here is that Canon released the firmware at all! I'm really happy to see Canon taking steps to improve an existing camera, rather than just releasing the new version (7D Mk II) and making us early-adopters frustrated with our original 7D's. So, thanks Canon, for that!
Rode Pro videomic works perfectly fine, and you dont have to spend time syncing anything.
Whoever told you H4N is the only way to go is retarded or just a salesperson for Zoom.
It depends on a number of factors. For presentation videos where the camera is far from the subject, on-cam mics are a tad difficult to deal with. The H4N also has professional-grade features like limiter/compressor and true stereo. If you're just at a wedding, no big deal - use on-camera (Rode or Sennheiser) mic, but for most other shots, a separate recorder is mandatory. Look at the pro movie industry - zero on-camera audio - everything has a separate and synched audio track.
August release... so does this mean no new 7D in August?
Manual Audio control is the most needed for me. I wanted to upgrade to Mark 3 but after this update I will just pick up some good lenses instead and get another 7D maybe,.
wheres the 5d mark ii firmware????
* glances over at his nikon bodies*
*heavy sigh*
Thinks to self, "if only Nikon would make these kind of updates"
:-) HEHE Grats Canon 7D owners.
so is this to calm people because there maybe issue or delays in a 7D mkII upgrade ? I doubt they will release something like this for the 5D mkII because it would interfere with those buyers who are on the fence over a mkII or mkIII , us canon 5d mkII owners just aren't that fortunate. besides can firmware make a camera focus better !!!
I have to say I am excited for this update! What caught my eye the most was this part: "the new firmware will allow for RAW images to be processed directly in
the camera! This is a huge timesaver as it is no longer necessary to
download RAW images to your computer in order to retouch them and
re-save them as JPEG files." -- this is the first i have heard of processing RAW files IN the camera?! How does this work, does anyone know?