Yep, BH Photo currently has Sandisk memory card instant rebates today only! Now that your wallet is burning a hole in your pants from all those weddings you've been shooting, what better time to reinvest back into your business with some larger cards. Once that D800 finally arrives, you are going to wish you had larger cards. Check out the full post below to see what all is on sale.

Even if I had crazy amounts of money to spend on memory cards I would not buy the 128GB cards.. Can you imagine shooting a whole wedding on one card and then losing the card or some type of card error?! Even for video I think its dangerous to put all your eggs in one basket..
I actually prefer shooting entire weddings on one card. I have come so close to losing cards when assistants take them out and put them into card cases. Or worse, sometimes you grab a new card and format it because you think it's "new". I've never ever had problems keeping large cards in my cameras for the duration of the wedding or photoshoot but it makes me very nervous when I have to start searching for upside down cards in my camera bag.
Give me 3 cameras with 3 huge memory cards over 3 cameras and 9 memory cards any day of the week.
I've always shot D7000 or D800, DUAL Card Slots, so if I had the choice, 2x64Gb in each camera and I'm good for an entire Wedding and have one as back-up...
But I'm not that rich, so I'm stuck with 16Gb and dumping them off onto a laptop mid-shoot...
saw this post too late :( now everything is back to normal price :(