Long Exposure Photography With Minimal Gear

When done well, A LONG EXPOSURE transforms ordinary scenes into something surreal. Smooth water, softened clouds, and simplified compositions give images a fine art feel. But dialing in the right exposure, balancing filters, and choosing the right settings require patience and experimentation.

Coming to you from Chris Baitson, this hands-on video explores black-and-white long exposure photography using the OM System OM-1 and its Live ND feature. Baitson also highlights why he keeps returning to the same location. The remains of an old pier offer endless possibilities—different tides, changing weather, and shifting light make every visit unique. He explains how long exposure photography isn’t just about making water look soft. It’s about simplifying the scene, isolating the subject, and creating an image that feels more like art than documentation. He emphasizes that revisiting a spot under different conditions allows for continuous refinement, pushing compositions further.

The OM-1’s Live ND mode plays a key role in his process. Instead of relying solely on physical ND filters, the camera digitally blends multiple exposures to simulate a long exposure effect. In lower light conditions, this feature eliminates the need for extra filters, making setup faster and more efficient. Baitson notes that this tool has become an essential part of his workflow, allowing him to focus on composition rather than technical limitations. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Baitson.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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