Trending Posts in Black & White Photography

Little wet

Little wet

Landscape arch (Utah, US)

B&W photography enhance the landscape and landforms. While traveling in Utah, I decided to go to see the most...

Sara - Before the storm

This is a sample of my last photoshoot at the beach with Sara. Just before a huge storm hit us.

I'm relatively new to photography, and found this group and wanted to get some professional feedback

I've only been taking pictures on a DSLR for just over 4 months now, so my experience level is quite low currently. I...

The subway girl

I was waiting for my train, saying to my self, it would be nice that someone would stand exactly at that place I guess...

The gray side

Kverkfjöll mountain range and geothermal area. Tell me what you think, whats good and what could be better.

Warming Up Before The Show.

By way of introducing myself to the group I thought I would share an image of the amazing tightrope walker, musician,...

Fate - when your hat suits the model's look perfectly!

So I recently had a shoot, and one outfit the model had was this 1960s esque Bohemian Chic style outfit - but it was...

Reflections of a Witch

From a recent workshop. An idea i've wanted to play with for a little while now (the differing reflection), that seemed...

Burn for you

This is an art I am always trying to show . I know it has been done before but mainly in color . I've decided to create...

Last of the Light - what genre?

This is a photo I took In Sequoia Nat'l park right as the sun was sneaking behind a ridge line. It's one I can't quite...

B&W landscapes

Here are some b&w photographies I took in the Alps (moutains and glaciers). A last one shows the natural arch so-...


This is just a small section of downtown Chicago. I took this while on a business trip. I only got to do about 2 hours...

Docks and Piers

Long exposures of the neighborhood dock and the town pier in black and white. Not super original shots but they are...

Bridges Buildings and Boats

My newest black and white image. The Riverwalk in downtown Chicago. Let me know what you think.


This image came from a head shot session. Originally a color images that I thought would be cool as a black and white...

Been continuing my experimentation of high contrast B&W profiles w/ colored highlights

I have been experimenting with high contrast B&W profiles recently, and have started to give the highlights a bit...


This one my first portraits. This was shot about a year ago at an abandoned factory. Just quit shoot to test the...

High Key Wetlook

This is a photo taken a while ago in natural light but I retouched it with PS CC 2019 and had no issues with the PS...

windy woman

shot this at Erie basin Marina Buffalo New York on a windy day