Bloom at Jenkins Arboretum

Didn't use a macro lens as you can notice, but didn't stop me to get some pictures of what was in bloom that season in...

Thru the Woods

It’s been a while since I’ve had the time (or motivation) to get back to editing some of my back catalogue, but I...

Glad I had my camera out...

Just sharing. Comments or constructive critique always welcome. It's been helping recently to have my camera at the...

That Kind of Day

For those who have been playing the home game, you're looking at the Frog Pond in the Tango (aka Central Perkiomen Park...

GLT in White

This is from more or less the same position as the one I posted Wednesday night except rotated about 90 degrees to the...

First snow in Antalya

I live in Antalya, southern part of Turkey and famous for its beautiful sea and beaches.Besides, it is also convenient...

Lonely Tree

A lonely tree survive at the "Escorial", a place where the lava from the Llaima volcano configures a lunar landscape

interested in feedback

this is a shot that I made in the grand canyon. it is early on a stormy morning deep in the grand canyon. looking for...

Looking for constructive feedback

This image makes me think of Japanese woodblock prints. I like the muted colors but I'm not sure the image has enough...


So, people keep saying, "NEEDS FIXING - 1 + Star" so, I did it...tell me what you think? The photo with the bluish fog...

Hell Roaring Lake - looking for critique

In this early morning capture of the sunlight painting the peaks surrounding the lake, I was fortunate enough to have a...

The Sun is going down

Beautiful sunset in the Town of Jaffrey NH

Fall Luminance

Image captured as the last of the fall colors were fading. As the morning sun hit the birch and aspens, one lonely...

Morning Mist

Early morning mist at Caddo Lake in East Texas. Feedback welcome. Ken

Morning Light on the Mountain

With smoky conditions and a bright cloudless day, I've tried to embrace the running fad of over-highlighting the sky...

Winter is coming

It was amazing to be the first person on the trail, the first person to step on the fresh snow. The quietness and...

Bright berries in a snowy park

Bright red berries in a park in a small town in Peterborough NH in December

Redfish Creek

Captured after a heavy snowfall in the Sawtooth mountains of Idaho. Working with very flat light and clouds that...

golden hour in the desert

These cholla are hard to find, not because there are not many of them but because they can be so cluttered in the...

Kinbane Head

Just north of a town called Ballycastle lies the ruins of Kinbane castle on Kinbane head. This place has been a bit of...