Trying to learn Photography light ect

Please give me your Opinions on this I shot this on Sony a6000 Lens 50mm 1.8 fe 1/80 f 2.8 Iso 640. I used window light...

Quick photography session

Hello everyone, last monday i went to the movies with my friend, that's her in the photos. That's my first month with a...

Veteran, 002

I really need to save up my pennies for the Fuji GFX. This was a rental and I'm hooked:


Hii. I recently actually started getting more into photography and I love taking portraits. Here's my first post, I...

The Void

Hello, One day I got bored, had bunch of candles, a friend, one desktop lamp and a tray with water. In this shot I...

Recent photoshoot

Feed back is welcome. I am just getting into portrait photography so any advice that someone could give is much...


Hey everybody! I just joined the site and the group so I thought I introduce myself with a few words. I'm Attila, a 22...

Images from Fashion Weeks

I don't normally see posts of images from the Fashion Week. Here are some that I took a while back. These are some on...

Fall Vibes

I do not shoot portraits very often, I always felt like it was not my thing. All that changed somehow when someone lent...

Opinions on this picture?

Hi :) I took this picture today whilst out on a walk with my friend and I'd love to hear peoples opinions, constructive...

Inquiry for lighting setting

Hi everyone, i am architectural photographer and the designer wish to get him a shot like this, but i cannot really...

Model: Glenn Cortebeeck

Model: Glenn Cortebeeck Photographer: Bram van Dal Camera settings: Shutterspeed: 1/750 Aperture: F / 2.5 Iso: 320...

oldie but goodie

This image is a few months old but still a favorite of mine. Figured it make a good first post to this group

Single light photo shoot

Wanted to see what kind of look I could get with just a single light that would be more of an edgier feel for an artist...


Feelin' a little groovy! Modern Hippie Project.


shot with rebel t6i 50mm 1.8 Iso 100 What do you guys think? =D


Just a random quick shoot with my good friend Kasia. Yet another non model who was able to pull it off. As always,...

Breathe in Color

Jake Hicks style Fine Art Photography. Orange and Teal colored gels with Nikon D750. Using Godox Strobes and Flashes...

corporate shoot

Detail of the photos used by my client for the full page ad in the New York Times the other day:

End of the Day

Model: Yana Single speedlight through an umbrella camera right.