Windows 10 Update Removed, Users Report Pictures and Files Going Missing

Windows 10 Update Removed, Users Report Pictures and Files Going Missing

The rollout of Windows 10 has been unexpectedly halted after user reports that the operating system has been wiping their photos and documents without warning.

The latest Windows 10 update, version 1809, was released last week on October 2. To update to this version was optional, with the automatic update yet to come into effect. Users took to the Microsoft Answers forum to report that everything from photos to videos, music, and other documents had been removed in their entirety from their computer.

And now Microsoft has pulled the update while an investigation is launched, announcing: “We have paused the rollout of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) for all users as we investigate isolated reports of users missing some files after updating."

Dona Sarkar, Windows Insider Program leader, announced on Twitter that Microsoft support technicians “have the tools to get you back to a good state.”

Meanwhile the company has also warned users should aim to “minimize [their] use of the affected device” while investigations are underway.

If you’re suffered the problem, you can contact Microsoft at 1-800-MICROSOFT.

It sounds as though though files may be salvageable, but for now, if you’ve been affected, keep your computer’s usage to a minimum.

Lead image credit: Tadas Sar on Unsplash.

Jack Alexander's picture

A 28-year-old self-taught photographer, Jack Alexander specialises in intimate portraits with musicians, actors, and models.

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Another example of why we should back up our files.

Bit late to the party, MS has already announced they fixed the issue.

I think this update was BETA of sorts. It was not pushed as a normal update.

not beta, but was pushed only to who manually checked for updates

I said BETA of sorts or similar to a BETA, had it not been it would have been pushed. I then further explained it was not pushed as a normal update.

Bit late, huh? At the time of this article being posted the update was released again with the issue fixed. That's why photo guys should stick with photo content and pc guys not try to do photo stuff

<That's why photo guys should stick with photo content and pc guys not try to do photo stuff>

Tell that to my daughter....Apple backed her dropped phone to the cloud, showed her some of the files then kept and deleted same phone.

After getting the new phone home she digs into iCloud and is missing 14 thousand photos and video.

Ooops, so sorry ;-(

I meant it as news ... of course we all have to do both

They found the problem. It happened to people who changed the default location for some folders (like desktop, my documents, my pictures, etc) and still had files on the old folder.

For instance: You changed desktop from C:\Users\Name\Desktop (OLD) to C:\Desktop (NEW).

So usually when you navigate to OLD the content shown is from NEW. But you could still have files physically on the OLD folder. Those would be deleted. Files in NEW would not be deleted.

Recovery is possible with file recovery tools, like Recuva, if the hard drive contents were not heavily changed.


I know. Microsoft is trying to be like Apple. LOL