The One Thing That Every Camera Manufacturer Needs to Fix

The One Thing That Every Camera Manufacturer Needs to Fix

In 1995, Casio launched a revolutionary product: the QV-10. It was the first camera to feature an LCD that showed what you were shooting. Ever since, manufacturers have run terrified at the prospect of having to implement a basic feature that has still not been properly designed, and there's a good chance that this won’t happen in our lifetimes.

I like to think that shortly after the QV-10 hit the market, the senior executives of all the major camera manufacturers put their rivalries aside and gathered in Tokyo to discuss the insurmountable problem that lay before them: how to design the menu system. The chief executive of Casio stood up and, having felt that his company had done enough, decided to pass the baton. “Has anyone programed a VCR before?” he asked the assembled gray suits. The response was a mixture of blank faces and terrified expressions. A hand finally went up. “OK. You’re in charge. See what you can do.”

The groundbreaking Casio QV-10

Research and development departments at the likes of Nikon, Canon, and Sony are huge. Millions of dollars are invested every year in improving sensor technology and refining beautifully crafted products that become the creative tools of countless photographers and videographers around the world.

Despite these vast budgets and impressive concentrations of technical expertise, one element has remained completely beyond reach: the menu. Cameras are supposed to be magical boxes that allow us to go and capture the world, but ease of use has been far from the forefront of anyone’s mind. Very much an afterthought when it comes to getting a product to market, menus are archaic, complex, and seem almost designed to make the experience as unpleasant as possible. Why?

Initially, it was probably because no one knew how to do it. As technology has progressed, the situation has been compounded by new features that overlap across multiple categories. Secondly, the small screens — especially in a 3:2 landscape ratio — do not lend themselves well to the vast amount of information that can require seemingly endless scrolling.

Thirdly, the menu is probably the last part of any camera that gets designed and most likely comes at a stage when R&D budgets are exhausted and deadlines are looming ominously. Engineers and technicians absorbed with tweaking sensor stabilization and autofocus performance are likely to spare little time for making a menu system that’s functional, never mind pretty. If a company told you that they handed the job to an intern just weeks before their newest mirrorless effort was due to leave the production lines, you would not be surprised.

If Ergonomics Are Important, So Is User Experience

When it comes to changing the settings on your camera, user experience does not seem to be on the radar of anyone at Canon, Nikon, or Sony. With the possible exception of luxury brand Leica, Fujifilm is alone in understanding how a sense of refinement felt through handling a camera contributes to the creative process. (Feel free to correct me in the comments below.)

Sony and Olympus appear to be the worst culprits, and there are times when navigating those menus where you have to wonder if anyone at those manufacturers has ever designed a menu before in their lives. The Sony a7 III is complex, and the menu system gives the impression that it was cobbled together in piecemeal fashion as new features were implemented over the course of the design process. Abbreviations are weirdly inconsistent, and some menu items are inexplicably capitalized. Designing the menu seems to have culminated in a final phase where the overriding attitude was “Ah, sod it. They’ll figure it out.”

The Broken Dreams of a Disillusioned Project Manager

Alongside some degree of logic, the other aspect that needs to be addressed urgently is the appearance. Menu systems don’t necessarily have to be pretty, but there’s no excuse for making them deliberately ugly. There’s a reason that creatives used to prefer MacBooks to PCs: “Intel Inside” is a logo that looks like it was jauntily designed by someone’s mom in the 1980s. Quite why you would want that visible every time you open your laptop is a mystery, and quite why PC manufacturers thought it would be nice to inflict upon people as they designed magazines, cut videos, and edited photos is truly baffling. (Answer: money.)

The Intel Inside logo. Of course, this excruciating eyesore doesn't affect the performance of a laptop, but it may make you want to throw it out of the window.

Just because it’s a menu system doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to use complementary colors and pleasing typefaces, and this goes for the rest of the interface as well. I want a tool that is refined and makes me feel like I’m using a sophisticated blend of technology and ingenuity, not an expensive box bodged together from the broken dreams of a disillusioned project manager. There’s the suggestion that ZEISS might be able to do it, and they barely make cameras.

Time for Change

We’re at a stage with LCDs that manufacturers have even fewer excuses for not addressing these issues. Screens are bigger, higher resolution, and more importantly, touch-sensitive. We don’t need skeuomorphic icons and pointless animations; some refined touches and a healthy dose of logic would be more than enough.

So, how do we convince the camera giants that it’s necessary and where is this expertise going to come from? Did all of the user experience engineers in Tokyo get wiped out simultaneously in some horrific accident? Surely, there are still a few knocking about and in search of a job. Even if there’s only one, perhaps he or she can do a few months at Canon, then move to Nikon, and then spend a few years with Sony. For the sake of camera owners around the world, let's hope that one turns up soon.

If you’re a user experience engineer or a usability analyst with some knowledge of cameras, feel free to post a link to your C.V. in the comments below. Maybe Tokyo will be in touch.

Andy Day's picture

Andy Day is a British photographer and writer living in France. He began photographing parkour in 2003 and has been doing weird things in the city and elsewhere ever since. He's addicted to climbing and owns a fairly useless dog. He has an MA in Sociology & Photography which often makes him ponder what all of this really means.

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Really? THIS is what every camera manufacturer needs to fix?

Nope. I’m ok with the Nikon menu system to be honest. I don’t need all and every function every time I pick it up. The buttons that do the work are all at the fingertips anyway.

I'm a long time Canon user. Never had an issue with the menus. In the 5D Mark I menus were refreshingly simple (most of the functionality added since then is psychological noise with marketing jargon). Shot Sony in parallel for over three years. Endless horror show and menu hunt to find weird functionality. MyMenu in the A7III was better but not good.

Moved to Nikon with the Z6 (goodbye and good riddance to Sony) for carry camera and mirrorless and video. Since added a D4. Was able to pick up the menu system (significantly different but sensible) in an afternoon. Menu frustration on a scale of one to ten:

* Canon: 1 on early models, 2 on recent models
* Sony: 7
* Nikon: 3
* Fuji: 1

Yes, the most sensible menu system I've touched has been Fuji. So easy I didn't even remember it at first. Leica also makes sense. Panasonic is not impossible.

So bad menus structures mainly belong to Sony. Nikon and Canon have to be careful not to let a deteriorating situation get worse.

Good feedback.
Indeed, Fujifilm do have a pretty slick menu. However, I stopped using them because I found the actual controls too flimsy and fiddly. That rear thumb wheel/button and fat thumbs with dry skin, no feedback, I was forever pressing it instead of rotating it.

I have moderate sized hands with thin fingers and no significant callouses. I had no issue at all with that back thumbwheel. I love the functionality it offers - push to zoom or zoom out, wheel right to make larger, wheel left to make smaller.

The Fuji interface paradigm (classic analogue SLR) vs the Canon/Nikon paradigm (classic digital SLR) is a fascinating contest. I far prefer the classic analogue SLR interface but the classic digital SLR interface wins in an efficiency contest. It sidesteps the ever more pressing issue Fuji faces: how to maintain separate settings for stills and video.

Not to mention it allows simple custom settings on the mode dial: U1/U2/U3 or C1/C2/C3.

Ehh... I have a Canon EOS R & Fuji X-E3. Menu's on the canon are definitely better IMHO. Canon's are not only laid out more sensibly, but they're significantly easier to navigate and use.

Interesting, to my mind they are both good. Miles better than Sony and somewhat better than Nikon.

I find that beyond the format function, I don't use the menu very often.

That's even a 2-button combo press on the D850 (and many other cameras of course)
The Z7 seems to have forgotten about that hardware option to reformat, so I put it into the 'My Menu' tab.

It's a professional tool. The menu isn't supposed to be easy to use and understand or pretty. The purpose is to be fast and efficient once you've spent months getting familiar with your tool. Current menus achieve that just fine.

Would you go back to a flip phone after using an iPhone? No. This is a ridiculous argument. The easier to use the less you have to think about them and the more you can focus on the creative side of photography.

That's a silly comparison, for a variety of reasons, but most important is this: interface design for consumer and professional use is very different. Design principles, purpose, everything changes. Just compare a phone app or a Web browser to a 3d dcc tool like Maya for example.

The tool I mentioned takes months to learn, years and to master. But once you do, the speed and efficiency you can achieve is far higher than with any consumer oriented content creation toy.

I accept your argument that a modern digital camera menu based on current functionality must be complex. I do not accept the argument that the camera menu must be difficult, arcane and badly arranged (Sony) with related settings scattered in a haphazard way in three or four different menu groups.

There's a method to the madness in Sony menus. Fortunately, with all the customisation, the buttons, quick menu, and the custom menus you never actually have to use it.

Reprogramming every camera body and remembering what I stashed on all the custom buttons got old very fast. Yes my Nikon Z6 is less flexible about the buttons but 1. there are more of them 2. they are in sensible places 3. they are labelled 4. I can see through the viewfinder and use the controls at the same time (left-eye shooter) 5. the viewfinder is much better 6. it doesn't pinch the fingers (A7III did with most lenses) on my shooting hand.

Sony cameras are no fun since the NEX 5T (it was so small you had to love what it could do with a tiny AZ 35mm f2.8) and the menus were basic enough they stayed mostly out of the way. I've shot great photos with Sony but one of my happiest day in photography was bundling up all my Sony gear and selling it off.

I used Maya for years before changing careers... you’re half right—you need quick access to many tools to get the job done efficiently, but once you find your workflow and the set of tools that work best fo you, you want them to be as accessible as possible. I always appreciate UI improvements to the tools I use—if they can make things easier and faster, awesome. What are the benefit of Sony’s menus being more complex than say, Canon?

Sony menus are just like you explained with Maya. They have way more options, features and customisation than Canon, which is overwhelming at first. But just like with maya, you can bind the options you need to the buttons, dials, the fn quick menu and the custom menus, so you only see the tools you use. Sure, they could name the menu options better, but overall, I prefer this to any other system.

For amateurs (of which I'm one), yes. Will Zeiss do it? Maybe, but it won't win over customers at Leica prices. Strangely enough, it's probably Sony that may end up actually doing it, once they'll realize that ppl don't care for their phones, but for their cameras only, and put the phone division to work for the camera division, and not the other way around.

The last I heard, Zeiss is using Android on their camera. I highly doubt other manufacturers will follow suit.

Perhaps on consumer and prosumer models. We're about to see the widespread adoption of computational photography in the camera space and I'd be hesitant to make any predictions.

I like the Olympus Super Control Panel (SCP). You can complain about the rest of the menu, but as long as new features are added to cameras, menus will always be complicated and organization will always be imperfect. But the SCP brings easy access to the controls that are most often changed by most people.

Your mileage may vary. Maybe, your most common subject requires frequent access to features not in the SCP. The easiest way I see to solve that is manufacturers can design a customizable SCP. You decide which features you want access frequently. Everything else will be stuck in the maze menus and sub-menus.

The only thing I cannot change on my camera using only the body buttons is WB and since I shoot in RAW I don't care about that most of the time anyway. My Canon allows me to make custom menus with tabs and items under each tab for stuff like Auto-ISO range, interval timers, AEB & mirror lockup.

I agree menus could be nicer but I struggle to think of anything important to change that I cannot change on the body itself.

Just give me an option to view a raw histogram and I would be happy.

I have not yet found a camera system where the menu system is an issue. I have Nikon, Sony , Canon and hopefully be adding Fuji to list soon. Menus don't bother me I guess.

I have no problem with Canon or Nikon. As I never used the others, can't talk about their menus.

Call Apple. I think Apple might have the best GUI.

I'm amused by all the "it's a professional tool, just go memorize it" argument. It echos of all the hardcore computer users deriding Windows 3.11 and Mac - It's a professional tool, just remember the command line.

I have no problems using the command line, but it doesn't mean it's the preferred tool of choice for every occasion.

Just because many of us have adapted to the menu systems, doesn't mean they don't need a shake up.

Sure. I'm a retired Unix systems manager. All my work was done on the command line. I now use linux: do I stick with a dumb terminal when I can have a nice graphical display and tools? Ermmm... no.

Thanks Benton. I'm not alone! It's weird how many people are aggressively satisfied with "mediocre" when "nice" is so little effort.

If you have a problem with a menu system I suggest you begin with what’s behind your eyes and between your ears.

They include instruction booklets for those who can read, there are YouTube videos out on how to setup your camera by all the well knowns, and every manufacturer includes custom buttons and options to essentially bypass the menu system...

Stop blaming companies because you lack ability to comprehend simple instructions.

Thanks for the snark. The degree by which you've missed the point of this article is amusing.

I didn’t miss anything, read this messed up thread and that’s what I’m commenting on. Nothing was directed towards you so no need to get your panties twisted.

While I’ve got your attention miss, nice article. You actually wrote something instead of giving us a link to YouTube and we all appreciate that.

“To the people that have” might have served a better lead in to your response.

If it was a response I would agree however this is a comment section so if a comment is directed towards anyone they would be tagged or named.

So far as Sony is concerned, maybe the camera designers need to visit the phone designers. Sony has those capabilities.

I realize that right now the needed processors are too big for voice recognition but a whisper to change ISO, Aperture, Shuttter, Bracketing,, exposure compensation would make me very happy.

Can you do a follow up about companies that are getting it right? I hear Leica and Hasselblad are doing good things.

Good article, that a lot of the comments seem to have missed the point of. Just because it's professional grade equipment doesn't mean it needs to be difficult and annoying to navigate. As if overcoming the complexity of the menu systems is some kind of right of passage for being a professional photographer or something?

Would love if every time I wanted to try a new feature on my camera I could figure it out without having to watch several half hour long youtube videos, almost ENTIRELY because the menu systems totally suck.

totally agree with Andy!

I was really disappointed with the A7RIV, Not in regards to the technology of the sensor and the autofocus, but in the fact they hadn't really pushed the redesign of the body and the
Menu system.
Sure they have changed the grip a bit, but it's not enough, they really needed to lengthen the Body a bit so our fingers are not spending the whole day rubbing on the Len's.
It could have been so much better with a 20% increase in body size in length and height and Still be in a reasonably small package.
As for the menu system, they added a paltry Couple of improvements, passing over the 'my dial' setting that was introduced with the A9 software update recently, that for some inexplicable reason is not coming to A7III or the A7RIII, is it reliant on a processor issue? I doubt that.
Sony has a touch screen that still cannot be used
To navigate the menu system which is just crazy.
The best menu system I've seen is hasselblad, clean and intuitive.
This isn't a rant, rather a clear understanding after
Using the A7III for a year, what we need is an iPhone revolution
In U.I as the current state of affairs inhibits the use of the camera in certain situations where your hunting for that one elusive thing you need, but barley use.

Usability. There's a reason companies like Microsoft spend millions on Usability Testing, because that's the connection between the person and the machine. I write software, I know the importance of menus and usability. Not only the placement in categories, but it's sometimes the order in which they are under their parent. Little things can mean a lot when it comes to the user experience. I should not have to memorize where something is, it should be obvious.

I've used Nikon DSLRs and a Panasonic video camera in recent years. I think the menus on these are serviceable but suspect there is a UX breakthrough lurking out there somewhere that will revolutionize how we interact with our cameras. I do however, have strong feelings about Sony's poor UX in some of their other products. These include a Sony alarm clock that has tiny, sharp bumps on the buttons that require so much force to press it is very painful to the finger tip. I've also had a Sony mp3 player and a Sony sport cam. Both had menu systems that were very illogical to me. It seems to me that across all three of these products UX was at best an afterthought.

My cell phone changes setting by voice command (some training required for phone and operator). If you want the future of cameras look to cell phone design. Your touch screen will look just like your phone's, (let's face it the next generation of photographers will be more conversant with phone style menus) voice-activated commands and AI will replace the current cell phone menus. Eventually, menus will be a thing of the past, replaced by voice command. Could be some pretty noisy wedding ceremonies though.

Seriously? "Creatives" prefer Macbooks over PCs because of a sticker that you can remove in like 5 seconds? GTFO.