Photographer Creates Surreal Images Inspired by Life Events

Photographer Creates Surreal Images Inspired by Life Events

Like many other members of the Fstoppers community, I’m often inspired and taken back by the images I see shared here. Canadian Fine Art Photographer Micahla Latta is one of those community members posting some incredible conceptual photographs to her portfolio, enriching the community with wonderfully surreal creations.

Latta, who currently resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, shares with Fstoppers that while her sets are often complicated, she prefers to classify herself simply as a Fine Art Photographer. Each of her images have their own story, she explains, drawing inspiration from life events, dreams, music, and people in her life at the time of inception. 

I love thunderstorms and clouds; clouds seem so pure and expressive to me so you will see a lot in my portfolio.

The Last Cloud was inspired by some events that happened while I was in art school, my class was mainly made up of editorial, lifestyle, and fashion photographers. As I was the only conceptual photographer who did work the way I do, a lot of the time I would feel frustration and sometimes a loneliness as my work was never understood as it was meant to be expressed. The anger of the lighting and the single cloud in The Last Cloud is a reflection of that anger and loneliness.

While some, such as myself, prefer to avoid spending too much time in post-production, Latta admits that she loves Photoshop. “It’s where all the magic becomes possible in my portfolio. If I could support myself by editing photographs all day, that would be one of my dreams!”

Asked if she has any exciting projects in the works, Latta hints at an upcoming project that deals with nature and the seasons, and another involving the concept of time, with some influence from Alice in Wonderland. She goes on the proclaim that the upcoming projects will be her first ever series.

You can keep up with Latta's projects and see more of her work by visiting her Fstoppers portfolio, or at her website, Fox & Flux.

Dusty Wooddell's picture

Dusty Wooddell is a professional photographer based in the Southwestern United States. Self-proclaimed thinker, opportunity seeker, picky eater, observer of things.

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1 Comment

While technically some of this stuff is a bit crude, I like the visual concepts. Nice work overall.