Are You On Fstoppers Forum Yet?

We finally got our forum up and running and we hope that everyone that visits Fstoppers will also take part in the community we are trying to create. Patrick will be releasing a video soon that is directly related to the forum but until then I wanted to show you a little bit of what you are missing out on. College student Thomas Woodson has created a thread taking us through his car photography techniques. Want to know what gear he is using? A D40, 1 Vivitar flash, and a sheet. Check out the thread here. If you appreciate what we are trying to do at then please do both yourself and us a favor and take part in our new forum at

Lee Morris's picture

Lee Morris is a professional photographer based in Charleston SC, and is the co-owner of

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(FYI to anyone reading, this was an example photo from BMW I used in my thread. Continue on to see my actual photos though...which are very close!)

Sorry guys... I thought that Thomas had taken this image as well but he was just giving an example. His stuff is similar though!

Lol, I checked out the thread and the photos are very similar. I will sign up right now

Thomas' work is amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if he won the behind the scenes contest. He has phenominal lighting techniques for such a young photographer. I'm enjoying fstoppers and the content here.

Wicked ... I thought everything was going alright with as it was. You guys are improving so fast! The forum is freaking awesome.

Great work, Thomas! If you were shooting the same shots with Hasselblads, Pocket Wizards and a dozen softboxes, I doubt if you could do it any better :)