Layar Creator Merges Print and Digital Media

It's becoming more evident that print media must innovate to survive in our increasingly digital world. The makers of Layar Creator are trying to bridge that gap. With their augmented reality app, users can experience print media with the dynamics of digital media. This means you can instantly download, buy, like, and share things you find in print. And this is the part that I can't really wrap my head around - Layar allows you to turn still photos into video. What do you think? Is this useful technology? Or would you rather see print remain as it is?

Via: HUH.

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I've seen the Photoshop User magazine has had a few of these, mosty on the Ad sections.
Personally I think it's inconvinient and a disturbing element to need to pick up your phone on every other page? I usually read on the train, plane etc. and prefer to hold my coffeecup in the free hand rather than the phone :)


I was going to say the same thing, i'm all for the evolution of media, but this just seems stupid. It's unintuitive to read a magazine and have to pickup your phone, open the app, wait for focus, take a photo, and then view a tiny video on an already small screen. It's slow, theres no flow and it just doesn't make any sense.

I think it's a cool idea but I am planning on not using it in the way shown in the video. 

I am planning on covering my wall with photo's of occasions from the summer and not I am going to take more videos. When I stick up the pictures I can then link it through to a video of the occasion to remember. 

It creates a use for the shots that don't make it into the montage that I plan on making at the end of the summer! 

Cool idea, but i would be pissed if i had to read with a iphone like that. I can't see it being a full thing that we will use daily, but a option.