Aaron King's picture

Milky Way over Goosenecks State Park

This image of the Milky Way over Goosenecks State Park, in Utah required 17-hours of patient waiting and not moving the tripod. Composition was in place by 7pm. The position of the Milky Way was best around 1am and then I ended up waiting until around 11:30 the next morning before the sun was high enough in the sky to light the water. The two shots from 11:30am and 1am create this final composition.

Proves that good things do come to those that wait. Even if it isn't the 8-days Elia Locardi waited to fully capture his Indonesia Star Trails shot, I still feel a little bit like that when I captured the Goosenecks back in June.

Canon 6D | Canon 17-35mm f2.8

Canon 5D Mark III
17mm · f/4.0 · 30s · ISO 3200
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