A few years, back a friend invited me last minute to join for a trip to Oregon. It was last minute so I wasn't sure if I could find hotel accommodations, so I declined. He later called me and said that one of their group had to cancel so there was a spot available for me to join them. I said, sure I'm in, not knowing where exactly we were heading. The last thing he said, oh make sure you get a wetsuit for the trip. I thought he was joking. This was my first trip to Oregon, so I didn't know what to expect, we arrived and headed to Oneonta Gorge. It was 7am so not many people were here, we all got out and they each put on their wetsuits and started making the trek in. Now I realized why the suit, the water was very cold, knee deep but still cold. As we arrived at the end we were treated to this beautiful waterfall.
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