Brandon Adam's picture

Blizzard Conditions

Composite shot in studio. Snow and background added in post. Threw snow on skiers jacket for realism.

Canon 5D Mark III
88mm · f/5.0 · 1/200s · ISO 50
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The snow is very convincing. Good job!

Thank you! The snow I added was taken using overlays from real snow. I wrote an article about how it's done here! https://fstoppers.com/commercial/how-use-and-photograph-real-snow-overla...

That's the way to do it. Practicing what you're preachin' :)


Thanks so much!

I'm not a fan of composite photos but I have to say I really like this.

Thank you, Bryan! I appreciate it. When it's done correctly it looks great. The thing is, it's incredibly difficult to do correctly.