Greg Desiatov's picture

Kristy Lee 01

I've always been amazed by the agility and the strength involved in pole performances so I decided I wanted to do a series of these images.

As I wanted to keep these arty-farty I did set one rule for all the girls... NO STRIPPER HEELS! LOL

Lighting in this particular case was a 700mm beauty dish on the right placed about 4m away and a grided strip box on the left to soften the shadow.

Canon 5D Mark II
50mm · f/10.0 · 1/125s · ISO 200
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That pose is crazy! Great B/W tones

Beautiful image... Strength and Grace. She makes it looks like it is easy thing to do!

It looks easy but I almost had a heart attack just watching her! LOL

Love this capture! Beautiful! The shadows! The Detail!

Thanks Wesley

You're welcome! Awesome work!