Canon 5D Mark II
100mm · f/8.0 · 1/125s · ISO 200
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stunning. LOVE THIS.

Thank you!

is this rob grimm inspired?

Idea for this image came to my mind during long walk that I had last fall here in Prague. I knew I wanted to incorporate pile of autumn leafs into the image but wasn't sure how, so I started googling some similarly themed still life photographs and ended up with this idea and composition.
So this one isn't inspired by Rob Grimms' work, but I was influenced by his style when I was doing food photography (you can check images "BeBe" and "Roshen" to see what I mean).

Very nice man, really digging it, nice composition. Did you lay these leaves out with one shot or is it multiple exposures?

Thank you. Leaves are done in one shot, for the perfume I did use multiple exposures for different parts of the bottle.

Gorgeous! Great shot!

Thank you

Very nice capture!