Camera movement during exposure helps bring out the textural flow of breaking waves on a Maine beach.
1/5 sec, f29, ISO 100
Camera movement during exposure helps bring out the textural flow of breaking waves on a Maine beach.
1/5 sec, f29, ISO 100
Lovely photo. Very artistic waves. It's just my opinion, but cut a little above to remove the sky?. I don't care too much, you are the teacher.
Congratulations and my like.
Thanks Mariano, your point is well taken. I feel we can all learn from others, so all opinions/suggestions are valued.
Nice job, Alan! Mariano's response is interesting - I really like that sliver of sky! I can see his point, the image would still work without it, but its character would completely change.
Thanks Chris, as always I appreciate your educated feedback.
Alan, I like what you’ve done with ICM
Thanks so much Paul. Comments such as this certainly motivate, and make me look forward to warmer weather.