Bram van Dal's picture

Model: Jet Munneke

Model: Jet Munneke
Photographer: Bram van Dal
<a href="http://www.bvdbvphotography.com" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.bvdbvphotography.com</a>

1/1500 F/1.4 200 Canon 5DmkIII Sigma 85mm

In this photo we used the shadow of a building, but also made use of the reflected light from a window, which we used as a hair light.
The tight framing ensures that the eyes come higher in the frame and the model appears more powerful in the photo, as if it seems that you as a viewer are almost on her lip.

Canon 5D Mark III
85mm · f/1.4 · 1/1500s · ISO 200
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1 Comment

Nice work.