Bram van Dal's picture

Model: Art Nayoan

Model: Art Nayoan
Photographer: Bram van Dal

1/500 F/1.8 250 Canon 5DmkIII Sigma 85mm

There are many things you can look at when you want to take pictures, you can look at lines, you can look at repetition of colors, you can look at the balance between light and shadow, you can look at how it is positioned in relation to the sun , you can pay attention to how you build a pose and what the role of the viewer is.

But despite everything, there are times when I throw everything overboard and have to seize my moment. Especially when you see such a pure smile, where you can see from both the eyes and the expression that it is a genuine smile, then the only task is to take a photo.

Photography is not just about taking a photo, but above all about learning to see.

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