Bram van Dal's picture

Model: Iskeleton_night

Model: Iskeleton_night
Photographer: Bram van Dal


1/250 F/1.8 200 Canon 5DmkIII Sigma 85mm

Philips de Jongh park in Eindhoven was for this photo, the decor and the tree stump were the trigger for us to see how we could make that part of the photo.

Actually with every pose, I try to challenge models to see how you can reduce the distance to the camera, focusing on a twig with leaves ensures that she can lean forward, those few centimeters that she leans forward, making the impact in the photo stronger.

The collaboration between the model and the photographer creates the photo, and the impact you create in the photo is ultimately created for the viewer. The greater the impact, the longer someone continues to look at a photo.

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1 Comment

Interesting colour grading changes the mood of the image for good !!