Bram van Dal's picture

Model: Eric van Oorschot

Model: Eric van Oorschot
Photographer: Bram van Dal

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/the_cinematic_portraits/

1/350 F/2.0 200 Canon 5DmkIII Sigma 85mm

The shoulders don't always have to point in the same direction as his face, his gaze doesn't have to be the same as the direction someone points their nose.

By varying these variables, you ensure that a dynamic is created in someone's posture.

If you, as a photographer, choose a lower perspective and have the model look over the camera, you give the viewer the feeling that he is on location, which immediately makes the photo more spacious.

Even if you have a certain pose in mind, it is ultimately the fine-tuning that ensures that the proverbial dots are dotted and the i's are dotted.

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